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View Full Version : ExultPSP 2.2 Slim Released!

August 31st, 2008, 05:25
I have released a major new version of ExultPSP (http://www.thefoodsucks.com/chuckles/)(slim Version)

Heres the release details:

Gannt the Bard sent word from beyond the veil that Captain Stokes, famed for plundering Origin, has leaked a new version of ExultPSP from the comfort of his haunt in the Knight's Forest!

It's been a while, but after much work and testing, here it is. A SLIM version of Exult with support for Ultima 7: Part 2 - Serpent Isle. The improvements are vast, some documented (see the screenshots), some not (TV-OUT). :) Phantom Fighter's computer blew up, which significantly delayed development time as source code was lost in the debacle. This version has been tested thoroughly, both games, and both addons are 100% working. Please enjoy, and share your experience with us!

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August 31st, 2008, 19:00
Totally awesome! Best "homebrew" on PSP, along with ScummVM, Snes9xTyl, gpsp and nesterj.

August 31st, 2008, 19:35
? What is this game is it a port of a mmorpg or something?

August 31st, 2008, 19:50
? What is this game is it a port of a mmorpg or something?

It's an RPG. Read more about it here:


August 31st, 2008, 22:17
will this work on a fat psp?

September 1st, 2008, 00:24
will this work on a fat psp?

I might guess it could work on a fat with custom firmware, but Exult is very memory hungry, so there will likely be problems running it on a fat - it should be playable though.

A Slim PSP is preferable because the extra memory is taken advantage of by ExultPSP.

September 1st, 2008, 00:53
ah i see i see, well now that that's out of the way.... i can't find the files needed to actually play the game..... and i can't ask here cause its Piracy.... BLAH!

September 1st, 2008, 01:12
Yeah, runs on my fat psp as well as previous version, though last version used to crash every half an hour or so because of memory issues... Haven't tested this too much yet, it might be more stable on psp slim but it's definitely playable on fat.

The game(s) (Ultima 7 & Serpent Isle) is one of the most immersive computer rpg's to date, the world just feels so... alive. Control on PSP is decent, not great but what do you expect from a mouse-driven pc-game port.

Definitely worth checking out if you can get your hands on the original files (which are required).

September 2nd, 2008, 10:48
? What is this game is it a port of a mmorpg or something?
It is a reverse engineered engine for the probably best RPGs ever made (Ultima 7 part 1 and 2)

The ultima series was along with wizardry the first RPG series on computers, and lived until around 92.
Ultima 4 5 6 and 7 along with both Ultima underworlds were the best, and both Underworlds and Ultima 7s were the best of the best...

The idea of Ultima 7 was to create a living world which they despite their limited resources succeeded to a big degree. The game feels much more alive than newer free world RPGs...

The problem was that the engine was lost and it did not work under Windows at all, so some people started in the mid 90s to reverse engineer the engine to have them working on Windows again. The result is Exult a portable engine which has been ported to many operating systems and consoles nowadays.

You need the game data however if you want to play the games...

Btw. compared to JRPgs Ultima already in Ultima 4 was milestone. JRPgs and most console still are stuck nowadays in the gameplay mechanics of Ultima 1-3 and the early wizardries (which invented the mechanics or brought them from the pen and paper games to the computer)
Ultima 4 was more or less the first game which tried to break through the boundaries of the genre and each title in the Ultima series later on moved further away into different back then untestet waters...
So dont expect any JRPg style gameplay anymore the later Ultimas are far beyound that!

September 2nd, 2008, 10:49
Its probably better to play the games on a PC anyway the controls are very mousecentric...

September 3rd, 2008, 02:58
For being mouse-centric, it actually plays great on the PSP, those guys did a remarkable job on the controls. Can't wait to play Serpent's Isle on the PSP.