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View Full Version : Fatal Relations DS: Demo version 1

September 1st, 2008, 23:34
News/release from Digital Satin Productions (http://www.ndsuncensored.com/content/index.php?topic=169.0)

Okay so this is just the first day of the game and doesn't really "show" anything but I figured I would release it anyways to show how progress has been going. The game is entirely controlled by the stylus; button control is not yet supported. As this is an early version, I have prepared both the complete demo as well as a version without sound. Of course, if you skip the sound you skip half the experience, but I think that's acceptable at this early stage.

Download URL(s)
Complete demo:

No sound version:

When you get to the end of the first day, the game won't proceed any further, it will simply loop back to where it was before. This is not an error, that's the way the code is designed to work. Since the game's not complete yet, there isn't anything else to run so it just loops back.

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments (Game for Adults Only)

October 14th, 2008, 01:44
Damn good idea, and I hope work's going well, but I can't download it, something's up with the server. Will try again though.

October 15th, 2008, 12:08
what is this exactly?

October 15th, 2008, 16:01
hentai I believe.Porn lovers go :P