View Full Version : Dreamcast case mod, need some tips

November 29th, 2005, 16:08
Hi all.

I was a bit bored so I decided to mess with one of my dreamcasts, turnout out ok so I went to town on my other one, as you can see in the pic below, I cut a window in the shape of sonic's eyes and cheezy smile, I painted the case sky blue and the bottons etc orange (bit dark though).

I put wire mesh (which I sprayed orange) in the widow, it's hard to see in the pic but it looks quite nice.


ok so what I want to do now is get some kind of light glowing through the window, I found a night light tutorial here- http://devcast.dcemulation.com/mods/nightlight/nightlight.php

that mod is so you can see the spindle in the dark, but I thought I might be able to do something similar.

what i'd like to know is will a few leds to the side of the disc give off enough light?
will that light find its way out the window with a disc in (the disc covers the window)?

any other ideas?


November 29th, 2005, 16:51
that looks sweet. at first i did not get the sonic eyes thing, but i see it now.
i don't know anything about mods so i let some of the regulars answers your questions

December 4th, 2005, 19:26
sweet mod, the sonic eyes look great.

what i'd like to know is will a few leds to the side of the disc give off enough light?
will that light find its way out the window with a disc in (the disc covers the window)?
Just try and see, a couple of high brightness clear blue ones should do it, do you plan on putting them under the disc or mounting them above the disc on the lid? either way you'll get enough light.

December 4th, 2005, 20:52
I was thinking about putting them to the side of the disc, I haven't done this before but i've seen a few tutorials and other case mods and i've seen people use plastic to help spread the light... similar to the power led, it travels through that plastic thing.

I'll try putting a blue led either side of the disc, if I succeed i'll post pics, those sonic eyes should look cool with blue light coming though the mesh :)

February 11th, 2006, 00:50
hmm, im totaly thinking about making one of my DCs camo, so i can hide it amongst the moldy snadwhiches and empty soda bottles :D