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View Full Version : Super Mario 64 With Free Analog Stick? Why Not

January 25th, 2005, 13:02
considering the fact that super mario 64 is a analog game maybe they should give a free analog stick with the game

it would shift a lot more copies

January 25th, 2005, 14:22
but how qould it work? it would cost 2much 2 research and make work than the amount would sell and i dout it would not be cost effective

nice idea tho

January 25th, 2005, 14:31
Maybe he means like those plastic sticks you put on a gba d-pad to make it like an analogue stick.

if that is what you meant then it wouldnt really work as the d-pad on the DS is digital (i think) so cant sense pressure.

January 26th, 2005, 04:07
the game was redesign for the DS, not much, some places mario is a bit bigger orther the planks are a bit bigger etc

January 26th, 2005, 11:32
it has to sense pressure somehow ptr or then how could it sense you toucing it to play it

January 26th, 2005, 11:33
if it did not sense pressure then how could u play the games

January 26th, 2005, 11:37
no he is saying when you press a button on the D-Pad it will just turn alot! its just on of off (1 or 2/ up or down)

i would expect it to be analog tho(i have no idea)! im sure it must be! i would be very surprised!!