View Full Version : Tec Toy's original developer

September 5th, 2008, 19:13
Leonardo has found Tec Toy's original game developer, Devworks. This is the company making the original games on the Tec Toy Mega Drive and Master System consoles, among them Pense Bem, which we'll discuss in a moment. Devworks claims to be the only developer for Tec Toy. Their site for Tec Toy work is here, and you can also find a list of all the games they've made. Here's what Leonardo has to say about their upcoming stuff: "They're even making an arcade cabinet with a new Turma da Mônica game (Turma da Mônica being a popular comic book license; back in the old age we had a Wonder Boy title sprite-ported to Turma da Mônica characters). And their Pense Bem Genesis game is even better than a direct port: it actually has scenario in which schoolboy Little Danny is haunted by the ghost of Pense Bem who challenges him to answer the questions!"

For those who don't know, Pense Bem (which means "think well") is a toy/book/game line which teaches kids things like history and geography. Traditionally it has not had a storyline as far as I know, so this would be the first time it has a scenario/adventure mode. It is one of Tec Toy's most popular non-Sega products, and many Brazilian people actually remember it quite fondly from their youth. Also, in that arcade link, notice the giant MAME logo on top of the cab ("damn!" indeed). Keep in mind that this is listed as "in development," but the English version of the site, the only place you can find the arcade reference, hasn't been updated since 2005.
