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View Full Version : PSP Passes Away - Some Games Producers Quit

September 7th, 2008, 16:31
According to Gameplayer recently, different PSP games studios have quit the PSP and given the dev kit's back to Sony, I think this is just down to hype and price, the Nintendo DS, is a good example of something that has been hyped and priced well, since it costed so little compared to the PSP since day 1 it still as that price factor, also the more people to buy it because of the price, the more people to hype it right? Well in terms of selling games console, the rich get richer, you just have to get the snowball rolling.

One of the studios to begin the slow, painful process of murdering the PSP is Ready At Dawn Studios, after they finished with God of War for the PSP they litterally packed up their bags and sent the PSP developers kit back to Sony.

This is happening simply because there aren't many people buying them, and the people who are buying them are just ripping them and sharing them over the internet (don't do this). Also there just isn't that many people with a PSP and the majority of people who have one are either bored of it and it's in a box somewhere, or they have illegally copied software to their PSP's.

So, that's what the future of the PSP, I wouldn't recommend buying one because it's really not worth it and you will get bored and the games will run out, however, for the DS, fun games are always comming out so you'll never get bored of it.

I hope this article helps you, and thanks for reading!


Stone Temple Pilots
September 7th, 2008, 17:14
I've yet to see an actual fun game come out for the DS since WarioWare, but then again, I'm not looking. It's sad to see this happening to the PSP. I'm actually hope the PSP 3000 does not get hacked. Pirates are killing the PSP, as a result, no company wants to make games that will get pirated, and it loops.

September 7th, 2008, 17:18
thats total BS man. the psp isnt dead, look at the ps2, its almost 10 years old and its still going strong, even outsell the ps3, and untill a few weeks ago psp was THE top selling unit out there, so telling people not to buy a psp is stupid. and shame on dcemu for spreading this hate-mongering. disgusting!

September 7th, 2008, 17:58
PS2 was supported by $ony P$P isn't there is the difference m8..Glad i got rid of mine when i did

Orson Buggy
September 7th, 2008, 18:23
You could say or compare the PSP to the Dreamcast or, in very past tense. The Amiga Computer. Or, the late Great Gary Kildall. Waaay ahead of their time and, most of the public didn't appreciate or, really even know what kind of *magic* it could do. If their were no iPod.. Perhaps, things *might* be different? Or, if their were no NDS things *might* also be different. Even though CP/M was a far superior and, much more stable OS than MS-DOS was.. They (meaning Big Blue) let the market decide. It was hard to justify someone paying $240.00 for CP/M when MS-DOS was only $40.00. (Why us Americans do this .99 crap is beyond me!).. It's Only $149.99 or $19.99! No! It's $150.00 or $20.00! I mean.. weren't we taught in school to round numbers off? Well, that's my rant.. Peace Everyone!

September 7th, 2008, 18:52
DCEmu spreading this shit sucks,

They're all blaming this on piracy, there is piracy on the DS too, and on Wii.

What happens is that the DS user base (not all of them) are people who haven't played a videogame in their life and don't know what to expect more than something to kill some time. They don't want Epic battles, complex storylines or anything like that, hence why hardcore titles for the DS are not selling well.

Developers love this, because they can make any piece of crap with a decent gameplay and it will sell millions, I mean "Cooking Mamma", "Nintendogs", seriously WTF?.

They want to do the same for the psp but it doesn't work because psp user base has grown playing lots of games with awesome storylines and killer graphics and we all want all that in our beloved portable system.

edit: MY GOD, this is worse than I thought, I just saw the games I mentioned above and I seriously can't believe someone made a game out of fliping burgers and scratching dogs and playing with them, and the most horrifying thing is that there is people buying them


September 7th, 2008, 19:01
If you believed the nay-sayers, the PSP would've been dead years ago. And yet it sells 10's of 1000's every week. I find it pathetic when people say it's dead, and they are glad they got rid of theirs. The homebrew scene is one of the most varied and abundant in years and the games are definitely not as bad as people have made out. Sure, there is a lot of crap, but there is a lot of crap if not more on ALL systems.

September 7th, 2008, 19:11
I wouldnt at all say the PSP is dead.
I'd rant, but after reading mike_jmg's post, I feel that is exactly what I would say.
**** overly-hyped generic games.

September 7th, 2008, 19:54
PSP is still alive. I'd rant more but it's already been said what I need to say. Consoles aren't a flavor of the month. Good games and systems will always be good games and systems. Shame on DCEmu. I thought you promoted the same philosophy I hold.

September 7th, 2008, 20:25
This article is absolute rubbish. The only studio to have sent back their devkits in this way is Ready at Dawn, and it wasn't due to low hardware sales (30 million is pretty high, actually), seeing as both of their games sold very well. They just want to move onto other platforms.

This is a silly fanboyish article.

Safari Al
September 7th, 2008, 20:53
I don't think it's dead one bit. Just give it a bit more time. Just because a few companies stop developing for it, doesn't mean it's dead.

September 7th, 2008, 21:30
Duh. Of course, it's not dead. There are several HUGE titles coming out soon (Dyssidia, Yggdra Union are what I'm waiting for the most...)

But it's dying. Just go to Gamespot, and check the reviews for PSP and DS. How often do new games come out for the PSP, and how often for the DS? :confused: A new DS game every third day?

It's not piracy. DS games can be pirated much easier - they're smaller, can pack a shitload on a memory card, etc. And hey, the studios aren't crying rivers over that.

September 7th, 2008, 22:39
ok, but its not the hardware, its the software, and yes its the piracy, and the cost of the kits is expensive than the ds and and harder to develop.. so guys just think about it in more depth of the situation... (cant explain due to my phone)

September 7th, 2008, 23:23
It is not dead yet, but its dieing for many reasons.
1. The price were much higher than DS.
2. It got pirated very early, and upload Isos is a piece of cake.
3. It's controls were horrible. There is no second analog or second line of triggers, which caused all new games to have camera problems. The existing analog stick is very hard to use.
4. Most of its games were ports, and easy money. Almost all of them have lag and big loading times.
5. The UMD format died before even existed, yet sony refuse to give more video format support.

September 8th, 2008, 00:43
Whoever wrote this article using Ready at Dawn as an example is an idiot. :rofl:

September 8th, 2008, 00:48
Now all handheld makers make sure you got these points down so you can have a successful handheld.

1.)Have Rockstar make games for your handheld.
2.)Make sure NO developer ever stops making games for your handheld, EVER.
3.)Ignore every other publisher that makes games as they don't matter.

There you go the three golden rules of making a winning handheld. :rolleyes:

September 8th, 2008, 01:25
yea this is crap, 30$ and a 4 year old can pirate ds games but theres no problem there because they are SELLING

go to your game stop, look at the psp section i cant distinguish crap from gold, old from new ... do i buy a game just to feel ripped off by it? not with my money

so i go and research, find those 5 diamonds in the HUGE pile of shit, and buy those ... and those are just well made half assed ports of ps2 games (GTA and GOW)

been there played that, dont really get all frothy over a port, the excitement is gone

and thats the PSP's problem, too much crap and i just dont care

i play my GBA more, cause every game i have bought was at least worth buying (and i have a unhealthy stack of carts for that thing, vs my grand total of 6 umd's)

September 8th, 2008, 01:55
Actually, with GTA for on it wasn't a port at all. In fact, the ps2 versions were based on renderware, whereas the psp versions were an original engine.

The PSP isn't even close to dying. It's still selling extremely well, and there are still great games coming out for it.

September 8th, 2008, 02:44
DCEmu spreading this shit sucks,

They're all blaming this on piracy, there is piracy on the DS too, and on Wii.

What happens is that the DS user base (not all of them) are people who haven't played a videogame in their life and don't know what to expect more than something to kill some time. They don't want Epic battles, complex storylines or anything like that, hence why hardcore titles for the DS are not selling well.

Developers love this, because they can make any piece of crap with a decent gameplay and it will sell millions, I mean "Cooking Mamma", "Nintendogs", seriously WTF?.

They want to do the same for the psp but it doesn't work because psp user base has grown playing lots of games with awesome storylines and killer graphics and we all want all that in our beloved portable system.

edit: MY GOD, this is worse than I thought, I just saw the games I mentioned above and I seriously can't believe someone made a game out of fliping burgers and scratching dogs and playing with them, and the most horrifying thing is that there is people buying them

Look dude...if you want to go and rant and hate on the DS's games and all...go ahead, you are entitled to your opinion.
But not all of us DS fans (Dont hate ppl I own an old ds and a phat psp) are walking around lyek
The DS does have some pretty good titles, even if alot of them are centered towards kids. Nintendo knows that kids are their market so thats why they make so many.

on topic
Did ready at dawn SERIOUSLY leave!? Awww man...God of War was one of the actual games that I would really play for the PSP.

September 8th, 2008, 04:16
Actually, with GTA for on it wasn't a port at all. In fact, the ps2 versions were based on renderware, whereas the psp versions were an original engine.

The PSP isn't even close to dying. It's still selling extremely well, and there are still great games coming out for it.

and as im driving around the exact same maps i grew board with years ago, using recycled models, and a story that maybe took a day to conceive, i care because?

September 8th, 2008, 05:36
on topic
Did ready at dawn SERIOUSLY leave!? Awww man...God of War was one of the actual games that I would really play for the PSP.

Yep, they wanted to focus more on the PS3 for a bit.

Anyways, my must have games list is too long as it is.

September 8th, 2008, 08:13
Honestly, If they stop making PSP games... I won't care too much. I bought a PSP for one reason... Home brew (Emulation, mainly.) Out of all the PSP games I've played, The only really great one is Loco Roco (Others are fun, but not great.) If Pirates kill PSP (Not that Sony isn't helping to kill the PSP) then Sony will probably stop caring about home brew. Of course... It probably doesn't matter much. Everyone stopped making (or trying to improve) emulators, and everything people make now is for the slim...

September 8th, 2008, 08:35
retards who say the psp is selling good, we know that but its not hardware, its software... games.. without COMMERCIAL software, the hardware is nothing in commercial terms.

September 8th, 2008, 08:43
How is it that no-one mentions those nice little carts you get for the DS, that along with a Micro-SD card allow piracy FAR more easily that the PSP

I mean you get one of these things for about £30GBP, the games are tiny (I believe that of all the DS releases only about 100 are bigger than 100MB) and off you go.

No Firmware to hack.

Its only because the target market, ie casual gamers/girls/kids are not into reading tech/homebrew sites that they dont ALL have one of these things.

September 8th, 2008, 22:11
With DS, piracy isn't a major problem because the majority of users are young kids who dont know about flashcarts but will buy any game with a small, colorful animal on it.

PSP owners are usually teenagers who are familiar to downloading music and movies might not mind downloading an ISO as well. Also, CFW is popular due to great homebrew, an intrest in system firmware itself, and using it to cheat in online games.

Sonicboy 101
September 8th, 2008, 22:18
I've already got my fun out of the PSP, so it doesn't bother me that much.

Stone Temple Pilots
September 8th, 2008, 22:54
Honestly, If they stop making PSP games... I won't care too much. I bought a PSP for one reason... Home brew (Emulation, mainly.) Out of all the PSP games I've played, The only really great one is Loco Roco (Others are fun, but not great.) If Pirates kill PSP (Not that Sony isn't helping to kill the PSP) then Sony will probably stop caring about home brew. Of course... It probably doesn't matter much. Everyone stopped making (or trying to improve) emulators, and everything people make now is for the slim...

I'm not a big fan of PSP's games (the majority) but I have to say "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core" was a very very good game.

September 9th, 2008, 01:37
I'm not a big fan of PSP's games (the majority) but I have to say "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core" was a very very good game.

Play Gurumin.