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View Full Version : Wolfenstein V5.1 Status Update

September 7th, 2008, 21:27
Via RetroEmu.com (http://www.retroemu.com/showthread.php?p=418#post418)

So some of you may have wondered where I disappeared to :p

I just have been really tired when I get home and busy with work. Other more real life stuff has been my focus for the last while too, and whilst that is going to continue I will be updating Wolf whenever I get a chance and making a new release when I see fit.

The save/load bug is gone, and the audio speed should be fixed too. When I say "should", i haven't been able to test my code revision as yet. Something is up with my toolchain set up or I am missing a lib or something. As whenever I try and launch Wolf the PSP just freezes as crashes.

I haven't looked into it until now because of the real life stuff. I am going to take a look tonight and see what is up.

Then a release should be made (with sound at proper tempo and save/load fix + Weird select difficulty bug) tomorrow all being well.

So just wanted to post this to let you all know I haven't disappeared and will be releasing an update shortly.

Also I have decided that I won't be making v5.1 my final release. I will just keep updating it for the foreseeable future, until there is nothing to update I guess.


September 8th, 2008, 00:06
I just want to point out that the music will NOT be at the proper tempo... it already is. It will be at the EXPECTED tempo that people have gotten used to. :D

September 8th, 2008, 09:18
Awesome news, lookin forward to it.

Thanks for the update!

September 9th, 2008, 02:51
awesome, everything worked fine for me before, but I'll try this out :D

September 12th, 2008, 00:28
Great news; looking forward to it! :D