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View Full Version : Alternative link for http://www.allusion.net/svn/kos?

December 4th, 2005, 09:01
It seems the link is broken. Anyone know an alternative link for this path?

December 4th, 2005, 21:06
<LWake> BC: is allusion down?
<BlueCrab> uhm... yes
<BlueCrab> I can't fix it without Dan Potter doing some stuff first though (or I would have)
It's down for the time being, and I don't believe there is any alternative at the moment. If you'd like, I can upload a pre-compiled KOS 1.3 SVN 235. It's about 2 weeks old.

EDIT: Download KOS 1.3 SVN 235 (http://www.consolevision.com/members/fackue/personal/kos13_svn235.7z) (you'll need a tool that extracts 7zip files).

December 4th, 2005, 21:44
Thank you very much!

Do I have to overwrite my old folders of kos and kos-ports with those in the 7z archive? Nothing to install/compile or so?

December 5th, 2005, 04:25
If you're using the Dev ISO, just delete the /kos1.3 directory that's in /usr/local/dc and extract the 7z archive in /usr/local/dc. Make sure you rename /usr/local/dc/kos to /usr/local/dc/kos1.3.

The only thing that's compiled is /kos/kos and /kos/kos-ports. If you plan to use tiki or any of the other stuff, then you have to compile them yourself.

December 5th, 2005, 19:44
So far, so good.
I extracted the file and renamed it to kos1.3. But if cygwin is opened this message appears:

bash: /usr/local/dc/kos/kos/environ_base.sh: No such file or directory
I'm such a noob, can you help me (again)?

December 6th, 2005, 03:36

Open /etc/profile in a text editor and make sure the following is at the very bottom:


cd /usr/local/dc/kos1.3/kos
source environ.sh
and in /usr/local/dc/kos1.3/kos/environ.sh, find this line:

# KOS main base path
and make sure the line directly below it is:

export KOS_BASE="/usr/local/dc/kos1.3/kos"

December 6th, 2005, 07:57
There is now a new url to the KOS SVN.


December 6th, 2005, 08:37
Thanks again!

I'll try this when I'm home again.
My knowledge about linux seems to be somewhat old. Thanks for your patience! :)

December 7th, 2005, 09:01
Sorry! If you end up updating to the latest SVN of KOS, you will need to manually edit genromfs before you compile KOS. Here's the simple little fix you need to do:

Open /kos1.3/kos/utils/genromfs/genromfs.c in a text editor and find the following piece of code:

#ifdef _WIN32
# include <getopt.h>
# include <fnmatch.h>
#endif /* _WIN32 */
and change it to the following:

//#ifdef _WIN32
# include <getopt.h>
# include <fnmatch.h>
//#endif /* _WIN32 */
If you do not do that change, genromfs will not compile. You will get an error.