View Full Version : Whats the Best 3 Nintendo DS Games?

December 4th, 2005, 20:39
To help others and actually help me choose a new title for my son for Xmas, what are in your Opinion the best 3 Nintendo DS Games?

Having played Mario Kart that has to be #1 for me but what do you think?

Please respond via the comments

December 4th, 2005, 21:59
1. Mario Kart DS

2. Animal Crossing: Wild World (released dec 05)
if its anything like the gamecube version it will be aswome + it has online capabilities
3. Meteos
a fast and fun puzzel game

December 4th, 2005, 22:06
Well...as someone who has already bought over a dozen games for DS (eesh...no wonder my budget's tight), here's what I'd have to say:

Of what has currently been released, there are two titles that are absolutely no-brainer, must-own titles for every person who owns a DS. They are both the pinnacle of their respective series, one in singleplayer and the other in multi.

MarioKart. It's the best game for the system. Period. It's also the best MarioKart game to date. There is no reason for any DS gamer not to have this.

Castlevania. Say what you will about the "seal" system, but this game takes all the best elements from Symphony of the Night and Castlevania 3 (the best two games in the series, IMHO), and combines them into an incredibly slick, fun package. The "Julius" mode is actually very fleshed out, not just an afterthought like in previous games. The soundtrack and visuals are both stellar, and it's got probably the best castle layout in any Castlevania.

If you own a DS and do not possess both of those games, it is an oversight on your part. Rectify it--NOW ;)

The third game depends on your tastes. If he likes strategy, go with Advance Wars. Puzzle games? Meteos. Simulation? Nintendogs. They're all exemplary titles, and all equally deserving of the third slot--it's just a matter of taste.

Runners-up include Kirby, Electroplankton, and Project Rub/Feel The Magic...which are all good options as well. The only reason they were knocked out of the main running is because they don't offer as many hours of gameplay as the others.

EDIT: I didn't mention Animal Crossing because it isn't out yet, and I'm a little wary of recommending a game I haven't played myself.

December 4th, 2005, 22:18
I gotta agree with DaMadFiddler... Mario and Castlevania are must-owns for DS owners.

Advance Wars and Meteos are both awesome as well, but had to recommend considering some gamers don't like puzzle and strategy games.

If he likes RPGs, I'm finding Mario and Luigi to be my current favorite.

And I really think Trauma Center and Phoenix Wright are both incredible games, but again, they won't appeal to all gamers.

December 4th, 2005, 23:04
Of the games I own

1. Castlevania (Fantastic and not bad replay value both in the extra modes and main game mode)
2. Another Code (Great for adventure puzzle fans, Short lived though so only has appeal for one replay)
3. Project Rub (Just pure fast action fun, can't see it having great replay value though (sorta like Wario Ware))

P.S. I don't own alot to start with

Through being short of cash I have yet to own Mario Kart or Mario & Luigi that are on my want list

Meteos is Fun and fast (lost interest in it myself)
Metroid Pinball was a waste of time though I found it fun it lost all appeal once all the boards were open after a couple of hours play (If you love pinball though it's a big Yes)

December 5th, 2005, 03:28
Of the games I've played I think it would be :
Sprung (totally addictive and cheap)
NFS underground 2 (lots of options available for customization, better racing than most wanted)
and then polarium

if I didn't have to wait for christmas (my gf's getting me it) Mario kart would probably top the list, world championship poker is okay, but it getrs repetitive, and Mario 64 is awesome if you never played the original. pheonix wright, and trauma center are great too, but you kinda have to be into those things.

December 5th, 2005, 03:34
Of the games I own

2. Another Code (Great for adventure puzzle fans, Short lived though so only has appeal for one replay)

Is that Trace Memory in the US, or is it a different game altogether?

December 5th, 2005, 10:41
I live in the US. My favorite DS purchase is PassME+SuperCard SD 2G :) This setup lets me try most DS games before i buy :D More impotantly you can run homebrew games/ports like Heretic, Hexen, Doom? etc. as well as play mp3's and video, run Lynux and WIFI, and do lots of other neat stuff. PassME+SuperCard is a must have for my DS ;)

So far I have purchased . . .

Nintendogs (superb DS showcase, 2MB EEPROM)
Advance Wars (excellent strategy game)
Project Rub-Feel The Magic (was on sale, great mini games, 64K EEPROM)

Games I've tested and enjoyed by category . . .

Adventure 3D:
Mario 64 DS
Ultimate Spider-Man
Tak - The Great Juju (short game)

Sonic Rush
Metroid Prime Pinball
Frogger: Helmet Chaos

Wario Ware Touched
Project Rub-Feel The Magic
Feel The Magic 2 (Japan)

Pac'n Roll
Zoo Keeper

Mario Kart DS (superb mutiplayer support)
SBK - Snowboard Kids
Cocoto: Kart Racer (Europe)

Kirby Canvas Curse
Viewtifull Joe: Double Trouble
Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge Of The Sith

Nintendogs (any)
Sims 2 DS
Electroplankton (excellent, try that with a PSP)(Japan)

Tony Hawks: American Sk8land
Madden NFL 06

Mario and Luigi - Partners in Time
Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow
Spyro Shadow Legacy

Advance Wars (excellent)
Real Time Conflict - Shogun Empires (not bad)
(need more)

Unique Themes:
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Trauma Center: Under The Knife
Sprung: The Dating Game

December 5th, 2005, 12:32
Essential titles:

Mario Kart DS
Super Mario 64 DS
Advance Wars DS
Wario Ware
Project Rub
Ridge Racer

December 5th, 2005, 22:25
Is that Trace Memory in the US, or is it a different game altogether?

Yeah it's the same game

December 8th, 2005, 02:12
In no particular order:

- Mario Kart;
- Wario Ware Touched;
- Tony Hawk American Sk8land