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View Full Version : UK Games on Imported DS/SP

January 9th, 2005, 09:12
Whilst I know the restrictions placed on Cube's PS2 etc prevent imports being played without mods etc. - does the same apply to gameboy games (SP DS). Iwas considering buying a US unit but wondered if any of my uk SP games willl be playable.


January 9th, 2005, 09:45
any GBA SP/GBA and Nintendo DS from any region in the world will play on a US or Jap or UK DS :)

Infact your UK charger for the SP will charge any DS

January 9th, 2005, 11:24
Thank you - i shall soon be a proud owner of a new DS :)

January 9th, 2005, 11:47
I have 2 they are sweet :)

where u gonna get one from?

http://www.gbax.com/main.pl (GBAX) are the best in the UK.

January 9th, 2005, 13:38
www.play-asia.com are the cheapest for the actual console i've found (although they only have JAP ones).

www.lik-sang.com is cheapest for games...

i've just ordered one, but i've bought a game of ebay instead of like sang as it was a bit cheaper and faster postage...can't wait!!! ;D ;D ;D

January 10th, 2005, 00:34
Mines coming from a visit to the States this week - works out about £82 at current rates.

January 10th, 2005, 09:34
Whilst I know the restrictions placed on Cube's PS2 etc prevent imports being played without mods etc.

there is something called the freeloader for the gamecube that lets you play import and probly mod games! i have 1 and love it! i got mario tennis for xmas and am going to order resident evil 4 2night!

you can get a freeloader here

and a great place to get import stuff is http://www.importmadness.co.uk/