View Full Version : Reggie's still spinning that "we're working on it" line for Wii storage

September 10th, 2008, 00:30
We didn't wake up today hoping to hate on Nintendo, but they're making it a bit too easy. Granted, the Nintendo WiFi router could certainly find a place in the homes of the tech illiterate, but Nintendo keeps hiding behind the apron strings of its casual gamer fanbase, and we don't have to sit around and take it. Two months after Nintendo finally admitted it had a problem with Wii storage and claimed to be "working on a solution," Reggie's still playing that line -- to diminishing effects -- in Club Nintendo, the official Nintendo mag of Latin America. He went on to say that "we have never said that it will be a hard drive nor have we mentioned how we will fix this issue, but we are going to deliver a better way to store the games." Weak. Nintendo could easily create a backup solution for SD cards or the ubiquitous thumbstick, but instead the company is letting its most active users suffer with the mere 512MB of built-in storage, requiring them to re-download games from the Wii Shop, and making few promises about when or what the storage solution will be -- not cool, Nintendo. Phew, good to get that off our chests. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some "High School Musical: Sing It!" to attend to.


September 10th, 2008, 06:54
They should just make a USB hard drive and get it over and done with, the USB ports are fast enough.

September 10th, 2008, 07:33
yea, USB are fast enough.
it looks to me like they're working on online storage, a safer thing for them as they can verify if you really bought that game you're storing.

if they are working on USB storage, then it would already be released :(

or maybe they're working on disabling the homebrew channel, a HBC removal code to go with the storage update.

September 10th, 2008, 09:22
Online storage is no use to those that don't have access though...

September 10th, 2008, 11:15
i know, but they could do it and it is a storage solution that can't be hacked that easily, USB mass storage device drivers is alot easier to hack, or nintendo are working on something else..

September 10th, 2008, 15:41
The wii uses USB 1.1, which is 12mb/s.

I'll let you decide if that is fast enough.

Nintendo Maniac 64
September 10th, 2008, 18:34
I believe the USB 1.1 is only a software limitation in homebrew currently.

September 10th, 2008, 20:18
They need to find a better solution for encryption as well. Encryption is what makes SD copying so slow, not actually device speed.

And the Wii has USB 2 ports.
Yes, that's fast enough.

September 11th, 2008, 08:27
I think they're working on some device of their own that will allow them to have control of what you do with it.

September 11th, 2008, 13:39
I could see Nintendo developing a proprietary filesystem for formatting SD cards with and removing FAT support completely -- that would put the boot into a lot of Homebrew users and allow loading of WiiWare/VC content from SD cards in a way that might be more palatable to them.

To be honest I'm surprised they went with FAT in the first place; it's an obvious vector for exploitation.