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View Full Version : "Daisy"-port for the DC

December 7th, 2005, 13:06
I think it would be great if someone ported Greg Leedbergs fantastic MsDOS-based chatterbot "Daisy" to the Dreamcast.

This is a very cool piece of software which was released as open-source last month (november).

This is a link to Greg Leedberg homepage (am I allowed to post links being a noob and all?)


Maybe it doesn't need porting at all coz it might run on GPFs DosBOX-port. Is that possible?

December 7th, 2005, 16:25
it boots up fine in dosbox, my keyboard is not working so i cant tell how well yet though.


December 12th, 2005, 12:07
Great. But I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to save what the chatterbot has learned if you use DosBOX right? And the problem with Daisy 1.1 is that it uses a 2 Mb (i think) for saving the progress, but maybe that's just the maximum data that can be saved. Version 1.0 has tops 64kb save (again this might be wrong).

I don't know why I'm telling you this. What I meant to say was:

Very cool that it runs in DosBOX. I'm in awe of all the great work you've done GPF.

December 23rd, 2005, 11:13
I wrote and told Greg Leedberg about the fact that Daisy booted in DosBOX and asked him about the memorything I worried about. Here's what he said:

That's great that Daisy could boot! No, mind files are not necessarily
2MB in size -- that's just the amount of RAM allocated to store them.
In practice, they can be bigger or smaller, depending largely on how
much you've talked to them. The default mind that ships with Daisy is
only 10KB, so that should fit fine, even with a fair amount of extra
knowledge added in.


So I suppose that concludes it. Through DosBOX Daisy is as ported as it could ever be to the Dreamcast. Thanks GPF... I would call you a genius but I worry it'll only make apparent my complete bewilderment concerning all things programming. :confused: :D