View Full Version : Star Wars: the Force Unleashed Demo Sets Xbox Download Record

September 12th, 2008, 16:05
The demo version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was released a few weeks ago for download through Xbox Live and the Playstation Network. Now, LucasArts has announced that the game shattered records for the number of downloads on Xbox Live, taking only eight days to reach 1 million. The full version is due out next Tuesday, and LucasArts will be holding a launch party in San Fransisco on Monday night to celebrate. The game is part of a multimedia project which includes a best-selling book, a comic, action figures, and other tie-ins. According to Eurogamer's interview with producer Cameron Suey, previous Star Wars games suffered from a "lack of ambition." Suey also shows off some of the gameplay in a video. A video walkthrough of the PS2 and PSP versions is available at Kotaku. The game will not be available for PC. Early reviews for the game are good, but not great, and developers recently mentioned that George Lucas himself provided input on the project.


September 12th, 2008, 18:35
Everybody I know downloaded the demo. I was pleasantly surprised by it and was enough to convince me to purchase it in the near future.

September 13th, 2008, 03:53
It seems half decent but there are other games that come above it in my purchase list.