View Full Version : Compile neogeo/aes ?

December 9th, 2005, 10:44
Hi !

Is somehone here, have successfully compiled neogeo/aes ?
I'd like to change the button mapping for my ps2 neogeo stick plug
on dreamcast.
I've installed the dcdev toolchain r1 found in this site, with
chui's SDL ans SDL_mixer but i haven't succeed, in compiling the neogeo/aes.
The first error was an const *uint8 conversion problem in memcard.cpp, i've changed the source code
and after it stop on the lib????.a (I don't remember the exact name) I take the one i had with
the toolchain. Then it stop on SDL_mixer with a lot of error (i haven't the log here ...)

Can someone give me some clue please ?!

Thanks in advance !

(sorry for my bad english ...)

December 9th, 2005, 10:59
i've never been able to compile any of chui's stuff. or at least, not with results that are anywhere near his own, mostly due to his lib customization.

December 9th, 2005, 11:01
Arg !