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View Full Version : Bioshock PS3 Demo Coming October 2nd

September 13th, 2008, 08:50
Kotaku reports that a demo for the much-awaited PS3 port of Bioshock will be available on October 2nd. 2K Games launched a new interactive website to promote the game, which comes out on October 21st in the US. GiantBomb took a brief look at the PS3 version, saying, "... quality seems perfectly intact. The PS3 seems to be perfectly capable of rendering Rapture just as it appeared in 2007. The main changes you'll see with this version include things like Survivor mode, which is a new, harder difficulty setting. ... the game also has all of the downloadable updates that rolled out to 360 owners." 1Up notes that the full version will require a 5GB install, and they made a comparison video.
