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View Full Version : It's Official: Severity Has Been Cancelled

September 13th, 2008, 20:02
A lot of people don’t know this, but I’m a great fan of FPS. Maybe not that good of a player anymore (ah, Duke Nukem 3D LAN parties… good times), but a fan nonetheless. I mean, I didn’t get my hands on Wolfenstein 3D Linux for nothing!

In any case, I’m afraid I have some bad news to FPS players all around. Severity, the announced FPS by famous Doom and Wolfenstein 3D co-creator, John Romero, has been cancelled. Romero told to “ThatGamingSite” that:

Yeah…….. the game was cancelled a while ago. I’m never going to announce a game that i’m not actually working on again.


Severity was announced back in December of 2006, and although several videos eventually made it to youtube, news about the development of the project stopped all of a sudden early 2008. Now we know why, I’m afraid.

I’m somewhat sad about this, actually. The videos looked quite nice.

Source (http://thatgamingsite.com/2008/09/its-official-severity-is-no-more/)