View Full Version : Something I saw on Facebook just made me laugh...

September 15th, 2008, 02:15
Ok, so apparently this site is a knockoff of the original DCEmu which I wouldn't really call dreamcastemulation.org "DCEmu" cause it would just stick in my mind as "Dreamcast Emulation dot ORG".

But here's the funny thing, I believe their group logo (below) is stolen from this site (I could be wrong?).


Anyway, join the group in masses. Because apparently we will all get booted, just for being from here.

I've never seen such pettiness in all my life, we are all homebrew fans. So why don't they like us?

September 15th, 2008, 02:32
A group for members of the DCEmu forums.

This is for the members of the REAL DCEmu forums, not for the knockoff site DCEmu UK. Please GTFO if you're from that site.lol.

thats funny.

September 15th, 2008, 03:09
It's the funniest thing I've seen in a while, and all I wanted to do was join some homebrew related groups when I searched "DCEmu" on Facebook. lol

September 15th, 2008, 08:38
First off, it's not dreamcastemulation.org, it's DCEmulation.org.
Second, it LITERALLY is the original DCEmu, as everyone there has been calling it that for about 7 years, and when wraggster left he knew the name.
Third, even if you make it white, you can't say that on these forums.
Fourth, that logo and font have been used in one way or another on DCEmulation since at least 02, the ones here are based (in part) on them.
Lastly, this is wildly inappropriate, all the pettiness is right here.