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View Full Version : jMEnc2 released

December 12th, 2005, 22:37
hi, all.
i have just finished coding my encoder front end (named jMEnc). it's version
2 - here's some info from the readme file:

- changes
custom Java Virtual Machine invoker.
Easy options panel!!
Save default settings from jMEnc
Stopping encoding process midway no longer makes the video unplayable!
Logging function for reporting troubles (if necessary)
Optimization of code ( in many ways )
Custom look and feel - can be changed on the fly for most skins
New splash screen - shorter
Live Update / Skin grabber
now bundled with AviSynth

the file is currently at
i think the neatest feature is the live update because i'll be maintaining a collection
of skins online that different users have created and submitted that anybody would
be able to download and use.

also, the PSpoofer program has been updated to version 2. that's the
program that will let you embed a file into a jpeg so you can use 2.0's
photo sharing feature to send any file between 2 psps. it fixes the 2 meg
picture size limit by splitting the files into pieces. it is then used on the
other psp to reassemble them back together. it's neat if you don't have
access to a computer and you're sending a relatively small file. it can be
found http://cs.ulm.edu/~jself/jmenc/PSpoof2.rar


December 14th, 2005, 17:47
Sorry if im thick, but what exactly does this do?