View Full Version : NEO4ALL/AES Prefetchs

December 13th, 2005, 02:44
We need help to create prefetch files for NEO4ALL/AES emulator for Dreamcast.

Download package HERE (http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/releases/neo4all_prefetch.rar) and follow next steps:



This is a little guide about how to create initial prefetch files for NEO4ALL/AES emulator. You need a BBA or coders cable for sending prefetch information from Dreamcast to PC.
In next steps, i suppose that you have a BBA, for coders cable is very similar.

1.- Create a normal CD with NEO4ALL directory+files and put your convert ROMS (.AES) to any directory too.

2.- Run DC-TOOL loader tool under Dreamcast.

3.- Swap CD with your prepared CD (step 1).

4.- Go to GNU/Linux or Windows command line and launch binary redirecting standard output, example: 'dc-tool -x aes4all.bin > prefetch'

5.- Choose any ROM without touch emulator params.

6.- Play normally and try to avoid large presentations. When MMU cache will be full emulator will stop itself.

7.- If you had played a lot of time (>30min), go to exit option menu.

8.- Send me prefetch file (stadard output redirect): [email protected]

9.- Also you can test your prefetch, edit prefech file and cut lines between '_MMU_HANDLE_DUMP_MEMACESS_ -------' and '-------_MMU_HANDLE_DUMP_MEMACESS_', only data without tags ..._MMU_... using wordpad.

10.- Copy cut file as prefetch/name_of_aes.pre under convertneo directory and rebuild .AES file.


Thanks to all !

M Dash
December 13th, 2005, 02:58
Damn... :\ I wanted SOO MUCH to help out... but i don't have a BBA or a Coder Cable... :/ And I don't even KNOW where to get one, so I can plug my DC to my PC!


December 13th, 2005, 08:55
Wouldn't it be possible to incorporate this into the windows version of Neo4ALL/AES? This would make the prefetch ability much more accessable...

December 13th, 2005, 10:36
No, NEO4ALL/AES with MMU is only for Dreamcast.

December 13th, 2005, 17:12
=\ I haven't the coder cable, and can't help, =|.
There are many games from convert, but i think wich is more importants are these games made only for MVS.

8 man
Blazing star
bust a move again
Captain tomaday
Fight fever
flip shot
KOF 2003
Kizuna encounter
Legend of success joe
Last resort (don't remember if there is for neogeo cd=
Magical drop 3
Metal slug X-3-4-5
Money puzzle enchanger
Neo mr do
Pop n bounce
Prehistoric isle 2
Puzzle de pon -2
Rage of the dragons
Samurai shodown 5 and special
Sengoku 3
1945 plus
chui i thinkwich this games have priority, why the others work percert on uae4all ^_^

December 13th, 2005, 18:21
a prefetch for

Game: Metal Slug 3 (Fully Decrypted, NRX)



// OR 512KB S rom ?




would be nice :D

December 13th, 2005, 18:47
ehm excuse me neo4all, :D I'm confuse

M Dash
December 13th, 2005, 21:15
I have a question:

In SvC Chaos, the game slowdowns are because of the loading stuff while in mid-game... the game rus at 100% while the DC isn't loading nothing.

the major loadings while in gameplay are SFX loadings, soo: would it be possible to make the prefetchs to load the necessary stuff before the combat, so we can play with a COOL framerate in mid-game??

P.S.: can someone PWEEEEEASE make the prefetch of KoF 2003!!! :'(
I just LOVE that game! it would be AWESOME to have it on Dreamcast!!!

I already converted the ROM, but the emu only runs the BIOS... after that.. nothing happens... :'(

December 27th, 2005, 02:08
has any new prefetch's been released yet?

December 28th, 2005, 16:13
Here's my wishlist:

1. and above all: Sengoku 3 (my favorite NeoGeo game!) :)
2. Nightmare In The Dark (Prototype)
3. Shock Troopers 2
4. Prehistoric Isle 2
5. Strikers 1945 Plus

...well, and of course another Metal Slug is always welcome ;)

Chui, regarding SNK vs Capcom - wouldn't it possible to improve the prefetch so the emulator would know exactly which character's graphics and sounds to load once you selected your character ?
Do you think something like this would be possible ?

I mean the game really runs fullspeed for me but the loading times during the 1st Round still is annoying.

SNK vs Capcom to me really is the most important reason to worship this emulator: Thank you so much for finally bringing this game home to the good old DC ! :)

@Everyone that's interested in contributing prefetches:
You can buy a High-Speed USB <-> Dreamcast Coders Cable for 50 bucks!
Read more about it here:

M Dash
December 29th, 2005, 01:27
Here's my wishlist:

1. and above all: Sengoku 3 (my favorite NeoGeo game!) :)
2. Nightmare In The Dark (Prototype)
3. Shock Troopers 2
4. Prehistoric Isle 2
5. Strikers 1945 Plus

...well, and of course another Metal Slug is always welcome ;)

Chui, regarding SNK vs Capcom - wouldn't it possible to improve the prefetch so the emulator would know exactly which character's graphics and sounds to load once you selected your character ?
Do you think something like this would be possible ?

I mean the game really runs fullspeed for me but the loading times during the 1st Round still is annoying.

SNK vs Capcom to me really is the most important reason to worship this emulator: Thank you so much for finally bringing this game home to the good old DC ! :)

@Everyone that's interested in contributing prefetches:
You can buy a High-Speed USB <-> Dreamcast Coders Cable for 50 bucks!
Read more about it here:


January 17th, 2006, 08:35
Would it be better if I created some prefetches with the sound disabled so it doesn't cache the sound so more animations can be cached or dosn't it work that way.

January 18th, 2006, 10:25
Yeah, just leave out the .mod file - ...or do you mean the actual emulated sound ?

Hm, personally I prefer to have sound emulated... but I dunno, it depends on the game, a 1:1 vs fighter probably would be fun even without sound...

Sengoku3 & shumps in general should have sound I think...

January 18th, 2006, 11:34
yeah I was talking about the emulated sound.
I have been experimenting with just turning the sound off in the emu options before making a prefetch but the cache always seems to fill up at the same point as with the sound option on :( oh well.

I have attached a prefetch (rename to .pre) for kof2003 that I did with the sound on the emu turned off so play with it off

January 18th, 2006, 17:36
o_O Very very cool! Thanks a bunch! I'll definitly give this a shot once I got a free second.

Now that you got some expierence with this, would you say it's possible to improve an already existing prefetch ? Do think there might be little room for improvements, if any - or could there possibly even be a lot room for improvements to an existing prefetch ? Like, say in SNK vs Capcom ?

May I ask you for Sengoku 3 ? ;)

Just to be sure: I assume you already know that it's recommend to exclude the AES.MOD and the *.WAVs in your /Neo4ALL/ folder to save some valuable KBytes of DC RAM ?

M Dash
January 19th, 2006, 00:07
W00t!!! KoF 2003 Prefetch!!!! THANKS A BUNCH MEN!!!!
*Trying out...* :D :D :D

*Try'ed out*

... *didn't work...*

Just one thing... For WHAT rom of KOF is this PRE file??? oO;


Encrypted - Decrypted

Wich one plz!!!!

January 19th, 2006, 06:52
http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/7179/kof20030uh.th.jpg (http://img37.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof20030uh.jpg)
this one

January 19th, 2006, 12:48
dang I rebuilt the .aes with the .pre that I made for kof2003 and it didn't work for me :(, mabey I did something wrong (tho my other prefetches that I made and tested worked)

Chui do you see any major fails in this:

Console enabled
Upload <aes4all.bin>
File format is raw binary, start address is 0x8c010000
effective: 13635.588869 bytes / sec
Executing at <0x8c010000>
Sending execute command (0x8c010000, console=1)...executing

KallistiOS ##version##: lun dic 5 16:26:49 CET 2005
thd: pre-emption enabled, HZ=100
maple: active drivers:
PuruPuru (Vibration) Pack: JumpPack
VMU Driver: Clock, LCD, MemoryCard
Mouse Driver: Mouse
Keyboard Driver: Keyboard
Controller Driver: Controller
DMA Buffer at ac2c01c0
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC
dc-load console support enabled
maple: attached devices:
A0: Dreamcast Controller (01000000: Controller)
MMU Initted
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC
pvr: enabling vertical scaling for non-VGA
gl: invalid list to enable GL_BLEND insideNO CONSOLE !
fs_iso9660: disc change detected
(joliet level 3 extensions detected)
Preloading 'kof2003.aes'...
Preloading OK.
NEOGEO: Allocating memory...
Prefetching ROM...

NEO4ALL based on NeoCD/SDL 0.3.1 and GnGeo 0.6.5
Compiled on: Dec 13 2005 01:59:05



Lets go ...

ÛG ÛG r ¦ R@ 6A 5A 5A ÛG ÛG ÛG Q@ ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG 5A ÛG ÛG ÛG ³G ÈG ÛG ÛG ÛG 7A ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÂG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÕG ÕG 8> rF ÛG R ¿! ÛG ÊG zF ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ÛG ?A ?A ?A Z@ 1 ? IG ÛG ÈG ÛG ÛG ÃG ÂG ÂG ÂG ÂG Â¥G ÂG $G MG ÛG ÂG ÛG ÃG ®> €F ÃG ÕG " »A ? ´4 ÃG #G ÃG ^$ ‘ »A )- ÃG zF ÃG ÃG ¿G 6G ¿G ¦> ¿G 8> ÊG ½G â€*? ÃG ¿G 6G ¿G ‹G ÛG ÙG ÀA ÀA JF Å“A õ& ó& *A ¤A —A
....................etc etc

pages=22899, used=2562, closer=2146

NEOGEO: System Shutdown.
VMUFS: vmu_unlink on invalid path '/a1/neo4all.bin'
Thread 1/8c0cdd24 freeing block @ a5000000
'magic' is not correct! 00000000
arch: shutting down kernel
bba_rx_thread exiting ...
maple: final stats -- device count = 1, vbl_cntr = 20671, dma_cntr = 20047
vid_set_mode: 640x480IL NTSC

M Dash
January 19th, 2006, 15:03
I have all the files you have, but your P1 file is diferent from mine. Your P1 file true name is 271-p1d -> Fully Decrypted

I Have the 271-p1.bin CRC: 92ED6EE3

still, it's the only one diferent... if you could pass me that P1 of yours, i would be very gratefull :)
tnx in advance

M Dash
January 20th, 2006, 02:14
OK, so here's detailed to how to do it and how it works.
First, you will need this ROM setup:


Then, you will need the kof2003.pre file.
DOWNLOAD HERE THE KOF2003.PRE FILE! (http://www.sonicforcecorp.talkhost.info/kof2003aes/kof2003.pre)

You will need the converter program as well (of course!).

ALSO, you WILL need this modified ROMRC file.
Only the entries of the needed KoF 2003 rom were changed.
DOWNLOAD THE ROMRC FILE HERE! (http://www.sonicforcecorp.talkhost.info/kof2003aes/romrc)

SO now that you have the converter, the ROMRC file, the PRE file, and the needed ROM correctly setted up, it's time to convert.

Put the ROM file AND the ROMRC file in the same folder has the converter program and insert the PRE file in the prefetch directory of the converter program.

Then, all you have to do, is convert the rom. After converting it will leave you a .AES file and a log file, with detailed info about the convertion. IF you want to check if the file was correctly converted, simply open this log file in the notepad, and check if somewhere around the file says "WITHOUT PREFETCH!". IF this message appears, your rom was NOT correctly converted. IF it doesn't appear, then it's OK! :)

Now with the KoF2003 ROM converted, just burn it to a simple CD, like any normal CD.

Insert the Neo4All/AES emulator in the DC, run it, and in the options screen of the emulator, switch cds. Wait a bit for the Dreamcast to read the cd, and then select the kof2003 AES file, and run the emulator! It's DONE! :)

The game runs GREAT and WITH SOUND!, but it needs a little remodeling of the prefetch. IT still has some bugs in the sound, and a LOT of loadings in Mid-Game. Still: it's VERY playlable! ;D

Very special Tnx to Lain that made this possible!

Hope this little tutorial help anyone out! ;)
Over and Out!

January 20th, 2006, 06:56
thats cool that you got it to work ^^

M Dash
January 20th, 2006, 20:22
yep! very! :-P this prefetch and the SvC one really MUST be worked out.... after all... KoF games from 98 to 2002 got out for DC! only 2003 it's missing.... it's a point to keep working on this prefetch!
AND the capcom vs snk games got out for DC too! SvC it's a "in-collection" one too.... :-P

i really wish these 2 prefetchs where really worked and got almost to perfection :D

March 12th, 2006, 12:05
Hello,i want create new prefetchs (i'm new coders cable owner), but i need help with needed programs.
Someone can help me?

March 12th, 2006, 23:58
Nice one, but what kof2k3.zip must i use? The decrypted one?
And will it behave strangely if i enable sound playback?
Please, now try to prefetch SamSho5.zip.

And thanks for the work.

March 14th, 2006, 11:07
Hello,i want create new prefetchs (i'm new coders cable owner), but i need help with needed programs.
Someone can help me?

I use BBA instead coders cable, but i remember that it is very similar to work.

You need use a special binary (http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/releases/neo4all_prefetch.rar) and redirect output of execution to a file, for example (BBA):
dc-load aes4all.bin > mifile

Please, send me ALL prefetchs to my mailbox: [email protected]

March 18th, 2006, 06:04
Hey, I thought I would just randomly pop up and give you all new prefetches.

Enjoy. :D


March 18th, 2006, 08:16
cool, thanks

March 21st, 2006, 08:48
Any requests?

March 24th, 2006, 08:09
Any requests?

Garou: MOTW maybe :)?

dave auto
March 24th, 2006, 19:07
Well, since you're asking... :)
I'd be eternally grateful if anything could be done for Samurai Showdown/Spirits 1 and/or 2. I've always loved them, and if they're not too much trouble to improve..well, I'd sure be happy. Great job with the Metal Slug prefetchs too, thanks.

BTW, I'm new to this board, and wanted to say how impressed I am with Chui's (and everyone else's who has contributed to this project) work. This is the best thing to happen to my Dreamcast in a long time, and I'm very appreciative of all the hard work you've put into Neo4All!

March 25th, 2006, 02:03
you have prefetch of these games.
KOF10th Annyversary, Is playable?
Rage of the Dragons
Power Instinct Matrimelee
Samurai Shodown 5
Metal Slug 5
Thanks, "the emulation has been my life for 5 years"
Your emulator is incredible and my dc is now in the rebirth.

March 27th, 2006, 10:16
Any requests?

Sengoku 3.

March 27th, 2006, 14:48
Said is this game? My simulation background music, only has not had sound effect ~ other actually 1945PLUS or to be allowed to play, the simulation speed 80% (bullet slow have been very many)


March 27th, 2006, 14:51
Yeah, the 2nd one is Sengoku 3 :)

March 27th, 2006, 15:46
Yes, only is Sengoku 3 has not engraved the plate test, only was takes the simulator to try,1945PLUS to is engraves

March 27th, 2006, 16:19
Please forgive me for my poor English ,in fact I know very little English,even I could not write a complete right setence .All words I posted were translated by tranlation software.

March 27th, 2006, 17:10
Please forgive me for my poor English ,in fact I know very little English,even I could not write a complete right setence .All words I posted were translated by tranlation software.

No, no, no! Your English is getting better already! You are very welcome here! Also, my English was not good too when I came here for the first time! :)

March 28th, 2006, 01:54
Is a prefetch needed for Real Bout games to be enjoyable? If so, are there already any prefetch files for these?

March 28th, 2006, 11:39
I have taken down all of these requests and I'm working on them still.

It seems that ROMs without SFIX binaries will not work. Most decrypted ROM sets also work without sound. The problem is obtaining functioning decrypted ROM sets.

Bootleg ROM sets will NOT work because their copy-protection has not been implemented into AES4ALL. Also, encrypted ROM sets also do not work, despite the shown Metal Slug 3 (Encrypted GFX) romrc entry.

I have concluded that just because games are compatible with GNGEO does not mean that they are compatible with AES4ALL.

Chui, is it possible to allow convertneo to decrypt ROM sets with MAME code to make decrypted .aes files? I think we should strive to use MAME sets with AES4ALL since most of them have been verified as correct dumps.

Restating... I am making prefetches for ALL games requested and you all should see a pack very shortly.



P.S. Yo hablo español.
P.P.S. Eu falo o português também.

Yo no quiero hablar mucho en el español aqui porque yo sé que el mayorÃ*a del mundo entiende inglés. Yo no estoy usando una programa a traducir el texto. El razón que yo mecanografÃ*o asÃ* es porque me gusta escriber correcto. Me gusta hablar el portugués mejor que español, y no me importa se yo hago muchos errores. :P :)

Eu não quero de falar muito no português por que eu sei que o maiorÃ*a do mundo entende o inglês. Eu digito assim por que eu quero escrever correto. Por favor, corrija-me se eu faço erros. :D

dave auto
March 31st, 2006, 22:00
Dude, merp, you're awesome. I'm sorry things aren't going perfectly smoothly, but thank you sooo much for dedicating your time and energy to this when you really don't even have to. Hell, I always feel guilty asking volunteer programmers for things. I wish there was more that us noobs (folks who don't know a thing about programming) could do to help. Guess I could start learning how to code :)
Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you do when you prefetch a game? What's the process like? Just wondering.

April 5th, 2006, 02:05
Thanks for taking the request Merp I hope it all works out for you, really appreciate all the hard work. Same goes for Chui as well. Take care.

April 6th, 2006, 05:17
Thanks guys. Restating, I'm kind of halting my work on this until my work is uninterupted. It's a little frustrating that during the process of playing a game, the video will cut-out. I love this emulator SO much, but that kind of takes the fun out of it. I'm sure Chui of all people is looking into it. ;)

April 21st, 2006, 02:32
I can't seem to download the mslug prefetch on page 3, any help?

April 24th, 2006, 09:05
Did you try saving it instead of opening it? Are you using IE? Have you cleared out your internet cache? Are you logged-in?

Try some of those things.

May 8th, 2006, 16:55
Hey, I thought I would just randomly pop up and give you all new prefetches.

Enjoy. :D



Perhaps it's because you use right-click and "Save to..." ? - Just click on the link instead. Worked for me.

Merp, thanks a billion for these Prefetches :)

Do you think, a Sengoku 3 prefetch would be something worth a try ? I'd really love to see this game running on my Dreamcast :)

May 12th, 2006, 21:40
I'll make more prefetches when the black-out bug is fixed in AES4ALL. :)

Street Soldier
May 21st, 2006, 19:08
I'd like prefetches of the king of fighter....from kof 97 to 2002

NOTE: I don't know if i writed it right...cause I don't speak english...I speak spanish

June 7th, 2006, 19:23
You wrote it right :)

However, KoF 98-2002 are available for Dreamcast. SNK released ports of them. You can buy them at www.lik-sang.com (http://www.lik-sang.com/search.php?query=King+of+Fighters)

- or www.PlayAsia.com !

Street Soldier
June 17th, 2006, 00:40
well....it makes sense to me.......
anyway thanks for the help....

este emulador es buenisimo...los felicito

Street Soldier
June 23rd, 2006, 05:58
I forgot to ask you a question....is there someway that I could ''transform'' the neo geo roms to .AES in Mac os/X ????.....cause is such a problem for me to go some friends house and use their PC just for that :confused:

I'll be waiting the answer :p

June 23rd, 2006, 13:44
You can compile converter tool for MAC, but maybe dont work because MAC/G? is big endian.

Street Soldier
June 24th, 2006, 22:21
sorry..I didn't understand what you said...I only understood that I can compile the convert tool for mac

but i don't know how :confused: and if you can explain I'll be gratefull with you

I see that you are from madrid..so you speak spanish...can you explain me in spanish..or a least send me the explanation to ma e-mail [email protected] ....

I'll be waiting for the answer

August 26th, 2006, 01:49
hi, my coders cable have just arrived but i need to know how to establish a connection between my dc and pc, ym using the coders cable and dcload 1.0.3 that is already booted on my dc, the dctool.exe gives me the following message (no, there's no writing errors from me on it):
connect: errno EADDRNOTAVAIL triggered

EDIT: problem solved, now i just need to convert the roms to test properly, i have already put the .pre files on the \prefetch folder but the stdout.txt tells me that the game is converted without prefetch, what am i doing wrong this time?

August 28th, 2006, 18:17
Finally this emu works for me !
(Christuserloeser, I had to buy another DC, my old DC was the responsable ! ).
Thanks to you Christuserloeser and Chui for all this work !
BTW, I need something...

Then, you will need the kof2003.pre file.
DOWNLOAD HERE THE KOF2003.PRE FILE! (http://www.sonicforcecorp.talkhost.info/kof2003aes/kof2003.pre)

You will need the converter program as well (of course!).

ALSO, you WILL need this modified ROMRC file.
Only the entries of the needed KoF 2003 rom were changed.
DOWNLOAD THE ROMRC FILE HERE! (http://www.sonicforcecorp.talkhost.info/kof2003aes/romrc)

Those aren't avaible anymore.... if isn't a problem, can you host them again , please ?

August 28th, 2006, 19:58
Thanks to you Christuserloeser and Chui for all this work !

Oh, thanks but I didn't do anything. Chui and Fox68k deserve all the credit! :)

Those aren't avaible anymore.... if isn't a problem, can you host them again , please ?

They're included to the Neo4All Starter Kit v1:

Look for them in the /AES-Workplace/Convertneo/Prefetches folder ;)

August 29th, 2006, 05:45
coders cable problem solved. I've used unibios 1.0 since in the newer versions the D and DIP switch buttons are assigned in the B button. first results, prefetches attached:

#mame set of kof94
game kof94 MVS "The King of Fighters '94"
CPU 0x200000
055-p1.bin 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
- 0x0 0x100000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
055-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
055-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x600000
055-v1.bin 0x0 0x200000 NORM
055-v2.bin 0x200000 0x200000 NORM
055-v3.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
GFX 0x1000000
055-c1.bin 0x0 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c2.bin 0x1 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c3.bin 0x400000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c4.bin 0x400001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c5.bin 0x800000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c6.bin 0x800001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c7.bin 0xc00000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c8.bin 0xc00001 0x200000 ALTERNATE

#mame set of kof95
game kof95 MVS "The King of Fighters '95"
CPU 0x200000
084-p1.bin 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
- 0x0 0x100000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
084-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
084-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x700000
084-v1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
084-v2.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
084-v3.bin 0x600000 0x100000 NORM
GFX 0x1a00000
084-c1.bin 0x0 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c2.bin 0x1 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c3.bin 0x800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c4.bin 0x800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c5.bin 0x1000000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
084-c6.bin 0x1000001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
084-c7.bin 0x1800000 0x100000 ALTERNATE
084-c8.bin 0x1800001 0x100000 ALTERNATE

#mame set of kof96
game kof96 MVS "kof96"
CPU 0x300000
214-p1.bin 0x0 0x100000 NORM
214-p2.bin 0x100000 0x200000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
214-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
214-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0xa00000
214-v1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
214-v2.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
214-v3.bin 0x800000 0x200000 NORM
GFX 0x2000000
214-c1.bin 0x0 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c2.bin 0x1 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c3.bin 0x800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c4.bin 0x800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c5.bin 0x1000000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c6.bin 0x1000001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c7.bin 0x1800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c8.bin 0x1800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE

August 29th, 2006, 06:36
great man ! Thanks for that contribution !
And sorry, thanks to Fox68k for all too.

So Christuserloeser, what the rom version of KOF 2003 I need ?

And a last question... isn't possible listen the BGM while I play NG CD games ? When I unzip an iso, it's bring the Image and the MP3 separately....

and ... it's possible unblock the secret chars on SVC on this emulated version for DC ?

August 29th, 2006, 13:54
great man ! Thanks for that contribution !
And sorry, thanks to Fox68k for all too.

So Christuserloeser, what the rom version of KOF 2003 I need ?

And a last question... isn't possible listen the BGM while I play NG CD games ? When I unzip an iso, it's bring the Image and the MP3 separately....

and ... it's possible unblock the secret chars on SVC on this emulated version for DC ?
if you have the correct p1 with bosses enabled & protections removed (decrypted p1) for that you just need to convert it to make it work...

August 29th, 2006, 20:31
look, I have the svcplus rom with bosses ; and another with no bosses ( svcc is that rom , and that is what it's running on my DC ).
SO exactly how can I do that ? I must unzip the rom, and blend / change some files ?

August 29th, 2006, 20:44
look, I have the svcplus rom with bosses ; and another with no bosses ( svcc is that rom , and that is what it's running on my DC ).
SO exactly how can I do that ? I must unzip the rom, and blend / change some files ?

yes, you'll need to change the p1 rom (and probably s1 rom, as far as i remember) and re-convert it, and i don't remeber if you need to decrypt the p data before convert the romset...

August 29th, 2006, 21:26
thanks ! I'll try.

August 30th, 2006, 02:44
.... * tested* ... didn't work :(
Thanks anyways, pal.

August 30th, 2006, 03:59
.... * tested* ... didn't work :(
Thanks anyways, pal.
can you post a shot from your romset, showwing all the crcs?

August 31st, 2006, 01:13
Ok, here is:


The unzipped rom contains a folder ( well, obviously the zipped "version" too ), I don't know if I have to change files in both folders ( I did that ).

THX in advance.

August 31st, 2006, 13:30
Ok, here is:


The unzipped rom contains a folder ( well, obviously the zipped "version" too ), I don't know if I have to change files in both folders ( I did that ).

THX in advance.
but there's no crc on the screenshot. just open the zip with winrar or winzip to show the rom's crc...

an exmple here:
http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/9776/imagemvs6.th.jpg (http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imagemvs6.jpg)

September 4th, 2006, 04:36

September 4th, 2006, 22:46
coders cable problem solved. I've used unibios 1.0 since in the newer versions the D and DIP switch buttons are assigned in the B button. first results, prefetches attached:

#mame set of kof94
game kof94 MVS "The King of Fighters '94"
CPU 0x200000
055-p1.bin 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
- 0x0 0x100000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
055-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
055-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x600000
055-v1.bin 0x0 0x200000 NORM
055-v2.bin 0x200000 0x200000 NORM
055-v3.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
GFX 0x1000000
055-c1.bin 0x0 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c2.bin 0x1 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c3.bin 0x400000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c4.bin 0x400001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c5.bin 0x800000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c6.bin 0x800001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c7.bin 0xc00000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
055-c8.bin 0xc00001 0x200000 ALTERNATE

#mame set of kof95
game kof95 MVS "The King of Fighters '95"
CPU 0x200000
084-p1.bin 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
- 0x0 0x100000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
084-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
084-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x700000
084-v1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
084-v2.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
084-v3.bin 0x600000 0x100000 NORM
GFX 0x1a00000
084-c1.bin 0x0 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c2.bin 0x1 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c3.bin 0x800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c4.bin 0x800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
084-c5.bin 0x1000000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
084-c6.bin 0x1000001 0x200000 ALTERNATE
084-c7.bin 0x1800000 0x100000 ALTERNATE
084-c8.bin 0x1800001 0x100000 ALTERNATE

#mame set of kof96
game kof96 MVS "kof96"
CPU 0x300000
214-p1.bin 0x0 0x100000 NORM
214-p2.bin 0x100000 0x200000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
214-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
214-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0xa00000
214-v1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
214-v2.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
214-v3.bin 0x800000 0x200000 NORM
GFX 0x2000000
214-c1.bin 0x0 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c2.bin 0x1 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c3.bin 0x800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c4.bin 0x800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c5.bin 0x1000000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c6.bin 0x1000001 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c7.bin 0x1800000 0x400000 ALTERNATE
214-c8.bin 0x1800001 0x400000 ALTERNATE

I have used yours prefetches, but KoF'94, KoF'95 don't work and KoF'96 works badly with much graphic bugs! The same games work well without prefetches!

September 5th, 2006, 03:22
I have used yours prefetches, but KoF'94, KoF'95 don't work and KoF'96 works badly with much graphic bugs! The same games work well without prefetches!

very strange, I'm using the mame set for these roms, and I had gfx problems using the "original" romrc, so I needed to change the c data allocation as listed above to make it work without gfx problems, and the other are working even with the original aes-bios.bin... I dunno what's your romset, but you can try to use your original romrc to see if that works without any problems...
my sets (respectively kof94, kof95 and kof96):

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/5609/kof94xj7.th.jpg (http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof94xj7.jpg) http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/7131/kof95xk4.th.jpg (http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof95xk4.jpg) http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5166/kof96ua7.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof96ua7.jpg)

kisser: your shot is not showing the crc column, wich is what I need. see an example in the shots above, and enable it...

September 6th, 2006, 01:03
very strange, I'm using the mame set for these roms, and I had gfx problems using the "original" romrc, so I needed to change the c data allocation as listed above to make it work without gfx problems, and the other are working even with the original aes-bios.bin... I dunno what's your romset, but you can try to use your original romrc to see if that works without any problems...
my sets (respectively kof94, kof95 and kof96):

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/5609/kof94xj7.th.jpg (http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof94xj7.jpg) http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/7131/kof95xk4.th.jpg (http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof95xk4.jpg) http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5166/kof96ua7.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof96ua7.jpg)

kisser: your shot is not showing the crc column, wich is what I need. see an example in the shots above, and enable it...

Sorry, I've had problems with the file "romrc", but now all ok! Thanks for the prefetches, you are a big! :D

September 11th, 2006, 18:10
http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/5609/kof94xj7.th.jpg (http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof94xj7.jpg) http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/7131/kof95xk4.th.jpg (http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof95xk4.jpg) http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5166/kof96ua7.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kof96ua7.jpg)

kisser: your shot is not showing the crc column, wich is what I need. see an example in the shots above, and enable it...
sorry, how EXACTLy can I see those crc from my SVC rom for can show them to you ? I give up, I can't understand how to do this :(

September 11th, 2006, 21:13
just opwn the zip with winrar, and the crc32 column will be there, just take a shot and post here ;)

September 12th, 2006, 16:11
just opwn the zip with winrar, and the crc32 column will be there, just take a shot and post here ;)

thanks, now I got it:

http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/6455/svcplus1li9.th.jpg (http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcplus1li9.jpg)

If you see, inside the zipped rom there's another folder; this is its content:
http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5483/svcplus2gl8.th.jpg (http://img20.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcplus2gl8.jpg)

September 12th, 2006, 17:29
thanks, now I got it:[...]
seems that you are using a very old set, I don't recognize these CRCs. look at my set (mame encrypted and decrypted set):

# MAME set of svcplus
# decrypted C,S1,V and descrambled P ROMs
# uses decrypted M1 from svcpcb since the bootleg ROM gives me a
# "Z80 error" on boot
game svcplus MVS "SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Plus"
CPU 0x600000
269p-p1d.bin 0x000000 0x200000 NORM
269p-p2d.bin 0x200000 0x200000 NORM
269p-p3d.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
269p-s1d.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x80000
269-m1d.bin 0x0 0x80000 NORM
SOUND1 0x1000000
269b-v1d.bin 0x000000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v2d.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v3d.bin 0x800000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v4d.bin 0xc00000 0x400000 NORM
GFX 0x4000000
269b-c1d.bin 0x0000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c2d.bin 0x0000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c3d.bin 0x1000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c4d.bin 0x1000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c5d.bin 0x2000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c6d.bin 0x2000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c7d.bin 0x3000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c8d.bin 0x3000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE

original MAME & decrypted set:
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2135/svcpluskr1.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcpluskr1.jpg) http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2559/svcplusdqj7.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcplusdqj7.jpg)

one last thing: you can delete the "svcc" folder since there are only duplicated files over there ;)

September 13th, 2006, 05:55
seems that you are using a very old set, I don't recognize these CRCs. look at my set (mame encrypted and decrypted set):

# MAME set of svcplus
# decrypted C,S1,V and descrambled P ROMs
# uses decrypted M1 from svcpcb since the bootleg ROM gives me a
# "Z80 error" on boot
game svcplus MVS "SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Plus"
CPU 0x600000
269p-p1d.bin 0x000000 0x200000 NORM
269p-p2d.bin 0x200000 0x200000 NORM
269p-p3d.bin 0x400000 0x200000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
269p-s1d.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x80000
269-m1d.bin 0x0 0x80000 NORM
SOUND1 0x1000000
269b-v1d.bin 0x000000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v2d.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v3d.bin 0x800000 0x400000 NORM
269b-v4d.bin 0xc00000 0x400000 NORM
GFX 0x4000000
269b-c1d.bin 0x0000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c2d.bin 0x0000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c3d.bin 0x1000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c4d.bin 0x1000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c5d.bin 0x2000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c6d.bin 0x2000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c7d.bin 0x3000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
269b-c8d.bin 0x3000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE

original MAME & decrypted set:
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2135/svcpluskr1.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcpluskr1.jpg) http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2559/svcplusdqj7.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=svcplusdqj7.jpg)

one last thing: you can delete the "svcc" folder since there are only duplicated files over there ;)

I give up. Thanks anyways ;) excuse me for using your time , pal

Street Soldier
October 4th, 2006, 21:33
what set is needed fot the king of fighters 2003 cause I can't convert the hero version

please help

October 5th, 2006, 03:35
what set is needed fot the king of fighters 2003 cause I can't convert the hero version
please help

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1489/kf2k3plaes4allb1pm6.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kf2k3plaes4allb1pm6.jpg)

# MAME set of kf2k3pl
# decrypted C, S1, V and descrambled P ROMs
# same P data as NeoRAGEx 5.0
game kf2k3pl MVS "The King of Fighters 2004 EX Hero Plus (bootleg)"
CPU 0x700000
271pl-p1d.bin 0x000000 0x100000 NORM
271pl-p2d.bin 0x100000 0x200000 NORM
271pl-p3d.bin 0x300000 0x400000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
271pl-s1d.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x80000
271b-m1.bin 0x0 0x80000 NORM
SOUND1 0x1000000
271b-v1.bin 0x0000000 0x400000 NORM
271b-v2.bin 0x0400000 0x400000 NORM
271b-v3.bin 0x0800000 0x400000 NORM
271b-v4.bin 0x0C00000 0x400000 NORM
GFX 0x4000000
271b-c1d.bin 0x0000000 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c2d.bin 0x0000001 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c3d.bin 0x1000000 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c4d.bin 0x1000001 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c5d.bin 0x2000000 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c6d.bin 0x2000001 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c7d.bin 0x3000000 0x0800000 ALTERNATE
271b-c8d.bin 0x3000001 0x0800000 ALTERNATE

A$h X
October 8th, 2006, 02:11
Hey Shoometsu, could you post up a zip of the new prefetches you have made? That way we could get the most recent games up and running on AES4ALL. Thanks :)

October 8th, 2006, 11:59
Great Work! If someone could make or upload or even tell me where to get working prefetches for Metal Slug 3,4,5? Thanx, Oh and has anyone been able to get Metal Slug 3,4,5 to work? If so can you tell me how? Sorry for asking but i'm new to the dreamcast scene seeing as i just got my new dreamcast a month ago. Thanx

Street Soldier
October 17th, 2006, 20:32
oh man.....I'm still stuck converting he kof 2003 in .AES......it gives me the same error.....no valid romset found....even with the romset that Shoometsu told me.....somebody can explain exactly how can i convert it....please help

Ya estoy Desesperado con esto

October 17th, 2006, 22:35
oh man.....I'm still stuck converting he kof 2003 in .AES......it gives me the same error.....no valid romset found....even with the romset that Shoometsu told me.....somebody can explain exactly how can i convert it....please help

Ya estoy Desesperado con esto
first of all you'll need to decrypt all the data and match ALL the rom names, or else it won't work, giving you always that error...

Street Soldier
October 19th, 2006, 20:11
I think I will give up....I don't know how to decrypt files the and the only game i wanted to play was kof 2003....but it seems is just impossible for me I think I will have to conform to play kof 98-2002 cause I'm bothering you too much guys.....well...thanks anyway :D

saludos a todos en este gran foro :D

March 18th, 2007, 07:09
just subscibing to this forums so i can know when some 1 post a new comment , and maybe new prefetches.

April 12th, 2007, 02:59
Sam Sho 5 special really needs a prefech If anybodys still working on it, please Update!:)

April 25th, 2007, 02:29
modify the romrc so that convneo inserts the prefetch info correctly?

November 19th, 2007, 08:42
do prefetches go in "CONVERTNEO/PREFETCHES" or "CONVERTNEO"?

January 5th, 2008, 16:32
From what I understand, the Prefetch is currently just a list of all the first 16MByte worth of pages that should be swapped into memory when starting (so most of the data is loaded in and only smalle chunks need to be loaded as game progress).

My question is, has CHUI tried some other algorithm to predict which page to swap in before they are needed in order for them to be available in memory when they are needed instead of slowing the games to pull them out of the CD-R.

Maybe some Markov model or something similar would help predicting which series of memory pages are swaped in ?

(algorithmically discovering which data comes from the same cluster : for example levels in games like Metal Slug or characters in fighting games)

April 19th, 2008, 10:37
I have a coder's cable somewhere but I do not have the DC_tool. Can someone direct me to It? Because the link given is dead.

April 20th, 2008, 18:04

I've a correct roms for kof 2003 and kof 2003 plus (from neorage X If I have a good remember) and they works :thumbup:.... but really slowly...

I've a prefetch of kof 2003 but when I use convertneo for the rom of kof 2003, the prefetech is not convert with the rom

How to do for that the prefetch be took into account in the conversion ?

thanks for advance to help me;)

April 20th, 2008, 18:44
I have a coder's cable somewhere but I do not have the DC_tool. Can someone direct me to It? Because the link given is dead.

Tools_For_Coders_Cable (http://www.dc-swat.net.ru/download/pc/Tools_For_Coders_Cable_v3_by_SWAT.exe)