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View Full Version : PIXELMAN v0.92.9c - Sprite Framestrip Creator/Editor

September 17th, 2008, 21:43
News/release from Sylus 101 (http://forum.palib.info/index.php?topic=5230.0)

Sprite Designing/Testing/Creating/Animating On the GO!

Just so it's clear and the purpose of the app isn't in question (as I think it might be) this is intended to be a developers helper in designing/modifying sprites, particularly for use with PALib, but since there is a binary export now I'm gathering they could be used with any dev platform (not like there are many others...).

This is NOT meant to be a stand-alone a program where you make neat-o animations.

v0.92.9c has a small bug fix in it... see read me.

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