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View Full Version : Microsoft Boss Attacks Sony PS3

December 18th, 2005, 17:09
Microsoft's Peter Moore, who oversees marketing and first-party game development for the Xbox 360 said that the Sony PlayStation 3 will be inferior to the Xbox 360.

You tell that to all the people that thought Xbox 360 was going to have super-duper DVD technology, and all the people that are already disappointed in the lack of Xbox 360 units available, while some consumers call the Xbox 360 launch the most horrible and mismanaged launch for a video game console.

Speaking about Sony PlayStation 3, let's not forget what the die-hard fans of Sony PS3 thought in Japan. You know, Sony-land. Japan consumers made it clear that the Microsoft Xbox 360 isn't the same type of next-gen console they wanted. Afterall, Sony is promising all the DVD and HD goodies for the PlayStation 3.

I am sure that most of the gamers in Japan just laughed at what they saw, after learning a bit on what the Sony has planned for the PS3.

Microsoft is left with complete embarassment after the Japan launch. Xbox 360 retailers in Japan still have plenty of stock on shelves. Shoppers are just walking by.

Meanwhile, there is a shortage in North America and Europe, causing Xbox 360 pre-order consumers to become angry, and perhaps, regretful that they even placed any money for this console. Still waiting, since mid-November, still no Xbox 360.

Amazon really messed up this launch even further by taking November pre-orders, then launching some "early-bird" special to allow new consumers to buy the Xbox 360 right away. Again, putting the Xbox 360 pre-order consumers back on the bottom of the stack.

Microsoft does promise new shipments before Christmas, but not that many. Here we go again, another "2 or 4" Xbox 360 consoles for eachr Wal-Mart!

How long can this go on before the game market shifts to Sony PlayStation 3? If Microsoft really wants us to believe that the Xbox 360 is this giant-muscle console that will dominate Sony PlayStation 3, they are wishing. I mean, it's another marketing hype thing.

I am sure when Sony or Nintendo Revolution launches their game consoles, it won't be the total disaster we've seen with Microsoft. The largest software company in the world has an excuse for everything -- on why there are shortages, and why their console is the best.

And now comes the dreadful noise from a Microsoft top boss trying to convince people that the Sony PS3 cannot compete with the Microsoft Xbox 360. Geeze, not so fast there, Microsoft. Get your own problems fixed before making such accusations.

December 19th, 2005, 00:54
And now comes the dreadful noise from a Microsoft top boss trying to convince people that the Sony PS3 cannot compete with the Microsoft Xbox 360. Geeze, not so fast there, Microsoft. Get your own problems fixed before making such accusations.


December 19th, 2005, 01:37
Well.... PS3 will be way more organized... but the PS3 itself may have a few problems (remember the dead pixels on the PSP) but it will still be better than the xbox 360 graphics wise... not to mention awsome titles like "Metal Gear Solid 4" and "Final Fantasy VII(I?)"...

However, i beleive we know the Nintendo will be the most organized.... but not the best...

December 19th, 2005, 05:56
No wonder most people hate microsoft.......

Seeing a movie of one of their top men jumping up'n'down on stage on one of their conferences, screaming like a pig: " I Love THIS company! ", Didnt make me hate them less.

December 30th, 2005, 18:20
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the PS3 is gonna hit the market like a storm when it comes. I hope they make enough consoles for launch. Now on Microsoft, I really hate them too. :P

December 30th, 2005, 18:25
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the PS3 is gonna hit the market like a storm when it comes. I hope they make enough consoles for launch. Now on Microsoft, I really hate them too. :P

December 31st, 2005, 04:05
ofcourse the ps3 is going to be way way bigger then the 360, the 360 is no diffrent then the xbox. really the ps3 and revolution has already beaten 360, for me to say i will never look at microsoft again, (just use microsoft windows) i think that microsoft should stay away from consoles and just make pc games. (better pc games)