View Full Version : The Back Up Loader Chronicles - Who Leaked It, Is it a Conspiracy

September 20th, 2008, 18:56
Im sure many or all of you know by now that Waninkokos "Back Up Loader" or plainly known as the Piracy Loader was leaked and found its way to GBA Temp who then hosted the download and spread the news to every major tech and piracy site going, shortly after more shall i say hack sites wiinewz and tehskeen also posted the release (although to be fair becuase of attacks on tehskeen i never saw the download there), later in the day GBAtemp took the loader down but other questionable sites such as wiinewz still have the download up, now the funny thing is, you see comments on the very forums who now host the loader calling GBAtemp but in effect they are now as bad or worse for keeping the files on their servers.

Now some more fallout has occured it seems that tehskeen had had its site compromised many times and whilst i dislike anyone who attacks sites i can see why this may be happening, you see Brakken although i dont know him personally takes it upon himself to attack other sites with name calling and whilst i do agree on some sites eventually you will upset the wrong types ie some clever basts who can hack anything and trust me most sites are very hackable (look at how many times we have been hacked). Anyway back to the plot, i was reading on tehskeen forums before they get wiped again that there seems to be some finger pointing that Brakken himself leaked it, i doubt this very much but who did leak it ?, was the leaker in disguise and gave the carrot to gbatemp knowing they would post it. Stranger things happen in the world and remember that anyone is capable of anything.

But anyway as ive read from many disgruntled Homebrew fans across the many forums of the Wii Scene and i repeat what they say, Lets get back to real Homebrew not piracy.

Oh one final thing i was accused and named with others (to whom i dont like either) of taking down the site brakken.net, now just to make things clear, one i have a nice real life and two i dont do things like that, now unless you have proof its very stupid to make accusations and then read in a forum that people are going to hack my site, to those people make sure you know who it is before taking action oh and posting on the internet that your going to do it gives nice evidence.

ok mini rant over

September 21st, 2008, 17:22
Really not attempting to stir things up, but brakken.net is rarely online anyway. I hope he's not paying much for that hosting...

Mostly when I read about this soap opera, I remember that THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS