View Full Version : Animal Crossing Trainer v0.02 Beta (NDS Trainer)

December 19th, 2005, 17:21
A new release of the Trainer (http://www.aibohack.com/nds/ac_trainer.htm) for the game Animal Cross has been released, download via comments:

Full details within comments:

December 19th, 2005, 17:22
Hardware Requirements
Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS game, English)
Homebrew Capable Nintendo DS which includes:
"PassMe", "WiFiMe" or "FlashMe" enabling (FlashMe recommended). If using FlashMe, be sure to get the latest version (WiFi compatible)
Programmable GBA Cartridge to contain homebrew program (any size, with or without SRAM)
Way of downloading program to homebrew cartridge (typically a GBA downloader)
Recommended: Way of uploading SRAM contents - to store game saves on your PC
NOTE: if you have run NDS homebrew games/apps, you should already have the required hardware. If you have not run NDS homebrew before, then you should stop right here.


Installation/Usage Instructions
WARNING: backup your Animal Crossing game save before doing any significant editing. Backup to SRAM is supported by this trainer. If you don't have SRAM on your GBA cartridge, look for another backup utility.
Download the beta test version animala02.zip. Includes a .gba and .nds packaged version

Install the proper version on your GBA cart. Exact details will depend on your Homebrew GBA cart.

Insert your Homebrew GBA cart into the GBA slot of the DS console.
Insert your Animal Crossing DS cart into the NDS slot of the DS console.
Turn on your DS console and run the Homebrew app (with RunMe/FlashMe or with the WifiMe boot process)
It should load the Animal Crossing game save and report the status of the game on the upper screen.
If it fails to load, please send me an email ([email protected])
General User Interface Rules

Both screens are used.
Info usually appears in the upper screen.
The user interface is displayed on the lower screen. When picking from a list, you can use the UP/DOWN buttons or the stylus to select. To activate your selection, press the "A" button. To cancel press "B".
Before any dangerous operation you must press "Trigger L" followed by "Trigger R".
Most operations change the trainer working copy in RAM. Changes will not be written to the Animal Crossing cart unless you pick "Write to NDS Cart" and confirm (with Trigger L + Trigger R).
After saving your changes, you should turn of the DS console. Then turn it on and run the Animal Crossing game. If you are using "FlashMe" you should hold the SELECT button to prevent the homebrew app from running (or remove the GBA cart).
The user interface is English only.

Specific Commands

"Load NDS cart data" - start over. Reload game save from Animal Crossing cart to the trainer for editing (this is done automatically when the program starts)
"Write to NDS cart" - write the changes to the Animal Crossing cart.

"Save Backup to SRAM" - compresses the Animal Crossing game save and saves it to the SRAM of the GBA cart. Save the backup to your PC (details depend on your homebrew setup).
"Load Backup from SRAM" - reverse of the Backup. Restore backup to trainer. Use "Write to NDS cart" to write the backup to the Animal Crossing cart.

"Add Cash" - quickly add money (Bells), in 100,000 increments. Repeat to add more. Sometimes the game will convert cash to bags of Bells (99,000 max per bag).
"Golden Inventory" - upgrade any tools in your inventory to "golden" versions, eg: golden axe, golden watering can. Also will fill any blank spaces with the copies of the first item (put a 99,000 Bag of bells in the first inventory slot, and run this command)
"Agent Orange" - wipe out any weeds or trees on the map
"Bull Dozer" - wipe out everything on the map, except for houses (and sign posts). Main features like the river and ocean are not changed. Like "Agent Orange" but includes rocks, burried items etc.
"Apple Seed" - places apples (and oranges) on the entire map (including water). Useful to measure distances on the world map.
"Rare Items" - adds several copies of rare items to the world map (eg: the "Mario" items). Pick them up and put them in your house.
REMEMBER: Changes will not be written to the Animal Crossing cart unless you pick "Write to NDS Cart" and confirm (with Trigger L + Trigger R).