View Full Version : What do you think of my sig?

December 20th, 2005, 04:21
so, I'm really bored...

I'ed like to know what people think of my new sig.

everyone seemed to enjoy the old one.

so I put it in there, along with a mix banner, final fantasy tactics banner, an evangellion banner, and a working megaman model. it's pretty rediculess now that you can jump and unrealisticly fire with spacebar and ctrl.

if you dont see it you can click my name on the right side \/

December 20th, 2005, 06:39
i like mine more tho, even tho yours is better

beetroot bertie
December 20th, 2005, 10:14
Really cool. I like the one with the hand drawn animation of the guy with the guns - really nice. Megaman's cool too.

December 20th, 2005, 22:57
um.... what are you talking about

December 21st, 2005, 09:15
I just updated it again.

reprogrammed alot of it. focussing on the megaman firing.

I dont have charge up and it's still random but it sync's up with how the origional looked with the arm graphics while standing, running, and jumping.

this is a big learning experience for me since I honestly havent worked with highly user manipulated applications to the extent of something like a fully rendered game.

here's my megaman code, if somebody could give me any tips if they see some flaws in my choice of manipulation or whatnot.

//Zaibach333 2005

//fun properties
var running:Boolean = false; //running? or not
var jumping:Boolean = false //jumping? or not
var runD:Number = 6; //delta x for X's running
var blastD:Number = 16; //delta x for a blast
var gravD:Number = 1.5; //force of gravity
var jumpD:Number = 10; //force of jump

/**************************** beam in *******************************/
var frame:Number = 0;
onEnterFrame = function() { //wait 2 frames for beam
if (frame >= 2) {
attachMovie("beam in","x_mc",x_mc.getDepth(),{_x:x_mc._x, _y:x_mc._y}); //set graphic to turning into X
frame = 0;
onEnterFrame = function() { //wait 9 frames for X to change into a normal state
if (frame >= 9) {
attachMovie("x_mc","x_mc",x_mc.getDepth(),{_x:x_mc._x-1, _y:x_mc._y-2}); //set graphic to the playable ready one *has minor x,y offsets
/**** start blinking text ****/
frame = 0;
var txtfmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
onEnterFrame = function() {
if (frame == 5) {
if (txtfmt.color == 0x0066ff) txtfmt.color = 0x00aaff;
else txtfmt.color = 0x0066ff;
frame = 0;
/**** initiate usercontrolled manipulation ****/
/*************** initiate usercontrolled manipulation ******************/
function startMovement() {
//key listener functions
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
if (onEnterFrame) delete onEnterFrame; //stop blinking text
/***** shoot blaster (beta stages) ******/
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (running) shoot("running");
else if (x_mc._currentframe == 3) shoot(3);
else if (x_mc._currentframe == 4) shoot(4);
else if (x_mc._currentframe == 5) shoot(5);
else shoot("still");
/***** run ****/
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && !Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) run();
else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && !Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) run(1);
/***** jump (overides left/right listeners) ******/
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
if (!jumping) {
jumping = true;
keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
if (!jumping) {
if ((Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT || Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT) && running) {
running = false;
delete x_mc.onEnterFrame;
} else if (Key.getCode() == Key.SPACE){
if (isNaN(x_mc.DY) || x_mc.DY > gravD) jump(false); //stop upward force on jump for key release
/**************************** function shoot *****************************/
function shoot(motion) {
var motionFrame:Number = x_mc.model_mc._currentframe;
if (motion == "still") x_mc.gotoAndStop("blinkBlast");
else if (motion == "running") x_mc.gotoAndStop("runningBlast");
else if (motion == 3) x_mc.gotoAndStop("startJumpBlast");
else if (motion == 4) x_mc.gotoAndStop("fallBlast");
else if (motion == 5) x_mc.gotoAndStop("landBlast");
x_mc.motion = motion;
x_mc.model_mc.frame = 0;
x_mc.model_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.frame == 2 && this._parent._currentframe > 5) {
var mf:Number = this._parent.model_mc._currentframe;
} else if (this.frame > 2) delete this.onEnterFrame;

var mcs:String = "blast"+getNextHighestDepth(); //temporary new name for each blast
var type:String;
//randomly select a blast type
var z:Number = Math.random();
if (z>3/4) type = "large blast";
else if (z>2/4) type = "medium blast";
else if (z>1/4) type = "mid blast";
else type = "small blast";
// setdelta x of the blast + direction
if (x_mc._xscale > 0) {
if (motion == "running") attachMovie(type,mcs,getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:x_m c._x+20,_y:x_mc._y-20});
else attachMovie(type,mcs,getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:x_m c._x+10,_y:x_mc._y-18});
this[mcs].blastD = blastD;
} else {
if (motion == "running") attachMovie(type,mcs,getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:x_m c._x-20,_y:x_mc._y-20, _xscale:-100});
else attachMovie(type,mcs,getNextHighestDepth(),{_x:x_m c._x-10,_y:x_mc._y-18, _xscale:-100});
this[mcs].blastD = -blastD;
this[mcs].frame = 0;
this[mcs].onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.frame == 25) {
delete this;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
/**************************** function run *****************************/
function run(left) {
if (left == null) x_mc._xscale = 100;
else if (left != null) x_mc._xscale = -100;
if (!jumping && !running) {
running = true;
x_mc.frame = 0;
x_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {//wait 3 frames and start running
if (this.frame = 3) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._x < 460 && this._xscale > 0) this._x+=this._parent.runD;
else if (this._x > 25 && this._xscale < 0) this._x-=this._parent.runD;
/**************************** function jump ****************************/
function jump(keyUp) {
running = false;
x_mc.goingDown = false;
x_mc.gravD = gravD;
if (keyUp != null) x_mc.DY = gravD;
else x_mc.DY = jumpD;
x_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._y-this.DY< 66.75) {
if (this.DY<=0 && !this.goingDown) {
this.goingDown = true;
} else {
this._y = 66.75;
this._parent.jumping = false;
this.frame = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (frame = 3) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && !Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && this._x < 460) this._x+=this._parent.runD;
else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && !Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && this._x > 25) this._x-=this._parent.runD;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && !Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (this._x < 460 && this._parent.jumping) this._x+=this._parent.runD;
else this._parent.run();
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && !Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (this._x > 25 && this._parent.jumping) this._x-=this._parent.runD;
else this._parent.run(1);

beetroot bertie
December 22nd, 2005, 10:51
um.... what are you talking about

I was getting an alternating sig in your posts in my browser, the first one being the black and white animated guy with the guns. When I refreshed I got the megaman sig then various others later such as the FF one, Evangelion, Linux etc. I hope that explains my previous remarks as I'm not loopy or anything.

What I meant was that I really like the aninimation of the guy with the guns. You've got me confused now, which is admittedly not hard. Is it meant to be just showing the Megaman sig? Or were you refering to the post that's now missing about Virus' remark?

December 23rd, 2005, 10:51
yeah, the missing remark.

my sig started as a remake of my old one.

then I made it randomly select one of my many *you can just right click it and go to rewind*

my last update made the button on the right more aware for the megaman one... which took a while to make...

I think the most amazing part is its about 200k

beetroot bertie
December 23rd, 2005, 14:55
I'm afraid I know nothing about code. Is it all flash action script? It's impressive anyway. Some of the flash stuff out there these days is fantastic. I particularly like the stuff at:


December 23rd, 2005, 22:10
cool link. yeah, I'm using actionscript 2.0.

my next update should put an enemy to shoot and maybe some point tally