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View Full Version : Playstation 3 Flash ECC Algorithm Reversed

September 22nd, 2008, 21:19
First off this comes from a website with an extremely dodgy past who have also lied and made more enemies in every scene than anyone i can remember, so i wont link to them, but for interests sake heres the info from ps3news.com

First, a small technical explanation. We were not able to modify any data on the PS3's flash chips due to the ECC. The ECC is a checksum basically, that ensures whatever data is in the block is not changed or corrupted, and if it is it errors. So, the problem was since when we tried to alter data, the ECC would then in turn be invalid, causing errors, making the system not boot. We did develop a way around this, however, it was time consuming and quite slow. We used the PS3 to write data to the flash, then dump it, with its proper ECC, then rewrite to where we needed it. This would take hours on end! We were not able to regenerate the ECC since we did not know the proper algorithm. But now, we can!!

After multiple tests done by NDT to see what the ECC algorithm was when the block was filled with some magic data, our very own RPS was able to reverse the algorithm!

What does this mean? Simple, we are now able to in minutes properly edit a flash dump, regenerate the ECC and flash it onto the PS3 in order to experiment with flash changes. Using this, we have already found where the encrypted keys are stored for SELF's, PKG's, and BD Pairing among other things, more on that in the weeks to come.

Furthermore, NDT implemented RPS's ECC regeneration code into his newest FlowRebuilder, which will be posted next week!

Finally, this has already saved one PS3! Hacked2123's PS3, which bit the dust long ago due to a bad flash was recently fixed thanks to RPS's ECC Regeneration code which was built into NDT's newest FlowRebuilder!

His PS3 had bad data that did not match the ECC data, resulting in a plethora of issues. However, as described here, it is now fixed!

September 22nd, 2008, 21:25
I guess this news should be taken with a pinch of salt as its ps3news.com but i hope they prove me wrong

September 22nd, 2008, 21:33
true :P

September 22nd, 2008, 21:54
You know, salt isn't very good for your health.

September 22nd, 2008, 23:55
Add vinegar and chips and its quite nice :p

September 23rd, 2008, 01:22
ive been following ps3news on the ps3dev side it sounds legit on the information they have obtained but i always keep my third eye on reflecting past memories heck i even signed up to there forums:D

September 23rd, 2008, 01:43
so? soon PS3 to have homebrew? if so i have no way to update my ps3 anyway

September 23rd, 2008, 02:07
No, this doesn't mean you get homebrew, it means, if true, it will be possible to tweak the firmware of the PS3. You won't just be able to run an app and modify your firmware, though, at least for now. Everyone just needs to wait and see what happens.

September 23rd, 2008, 02:29
This sounds kinda sketchy. I'm not getting my hopes up yet. But man ps3 homebrew sounds delicious lol

September 23rd, 2008, 09:13
Edit ps3`s flash with psp custom firmware into it, so u can emulate the psp, u access it on ps3 with remote play and psp boots up lol and usb devices etc is the psp`s memory, ok im just talking crap

September 23rd, 2008, 14:42
No, this doesn't mean you get homebrew, it means, if true, it will be possible to tweak the firmware of the PS3. You won't just be able to run an app and modify your firmware, though, at least for now. Everyone just needs to wait and see what happens.

ok so mod the firmware right! so region free psone and ps2 and any burnt disc will work. so psone nes emu!

September 25th, 2008, 22:22
Hmm, well I haven't followed ps3news ever, so I have no idea how to judge this, but everyone here is saying they shouldn't be trusted then so be it.

At least until we get some hard evidence, or information from trustworthy individuals who have tried this method or is taking the reigns on it.