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View Full Version : 4.01M33 and CXMB plugin users please help me out

September 23rd, 2008, 07:03
So here is the deal, I finaly upgraded my PSP and this time I want to keep it that way to avoid all the savegame corruptions:)

I've been all afternoon trying to figure out how to use CXMB v4.0 for 4.01M33 so I can compile a Gears of War theme that looks like the one I had (and I've no Idea who made it but looks awesome, if anybody knows tell him I say thanks). Ok here are a few doubts

1.- Will the CXMB plugin work correctly on 4.01M33 if I installed it through the sony updater and not Despertar del Cementerio (The files on my flash0 show as read only and hidden)
Is there a way to change the read only and hidden state of the files without needing to reinstall CFW through DC??

2.- Can I create a .ctf theme using the icons of a .ptf file

3.- The xmb icons show no change when aplying a theme, is it because the theme is not compatible with 4.01M33 or is it because of my 1st question?

4.- I've used psar dumper and got the three needed files to have the full version of CXMB and put them on the support folder, Then put the files I wanted to use on the correct folders, rebooted but nothing happens
How do I make it work?

5.- I've also tried CTF manager 2.0, wich creates the theme correctly but when I apply it, it only shows the wallpaper and everything else is the same (don't know if it is because of my 1st question)

Also, on a side note themes that look like a shell do work but act weird.

Does anyone knows what am I doing wrong?

Any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long thread

September 23rd, 2008, 22:39
you need to get CTFs actually designed for 4.01M33 and the right version of CXMB

here is the version (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=153236) works for me

getting the themes that work with everything is tricky, i have a metal gear solid 4 one that works well, i forget where i got it though

just google "cxmb 3.2.1 ctf 4.01 m33 themes"
that should get you a few

its all guess and check

September 24th, 2008, 19:03
Thanks man

I think I'm using the correct version, is the latest, 3.5 I think, and you're right I think that some of the themes I've been trying out are not compatible with 4.01, cause I have two that came with the plugin and they work ok.

Now my problem is that i cannot create themes that actually work, but now you got me thinking, maybe the plugin is what is not compatible with the themes as they say they are but they simply wont work, also the one I'm trying to make

you're using cxmb 3.2.1 right, I'll try that one or the version before the one I'm using and see if the supposedly 4.01 themes work, also the one I made


Edit: Yes, I was right, the damn plugin was the one that wasn't compatible with the themes, the bad part is that on my frustration I deleted the one i made

But thank you man, you really helped me out

edit: hehe!, i went back to use the good old flashing and now it looks how I wanted
If anyone is planing of flashing use the flash0 unlocker 0.5 first