View Full Version : Fanjita Working on 2.5 EBOOT Loader!

December 23rd, 2005, 12:33
Fanjita, an experienced PSP hacker/coder, well known for the 2.0 EBOOT Loader, along with many other popular hacks, has informed us with an update on the status of the 2.5 EBOOT Loader.

Fanjita states, "Still a long way to go from here, this is basically where the loader 0.2 for 2.0 was at... I got Nem's Hello World running on 2.5 as an EBOOT through the GTA savegame hack... the code itself is definitely not ready for any release yet... at this point this is more of a progress update than anything else."

As of now, it seems we may have missed the holiday-time release for the 2.5 EBOOT Loader, but hope is not lost; lots of progress has been made, and the project is on a roll!

way to go Fanjita!!!!! :D

December 23rd, 2005, 12:46
fanjita, I salute you :salute: :)

December 24th, 2005, 10:25
i heard that fanjita is going to first work on 2.0 and then move on to 2.5, by which i mean finish eboot loader 0.9 and then make a 2.5 eboot loader.

January 2nd, 2006, 17:46
go on fanjita m8 , were all behind you.