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View Full Version : Japanese Ceramic PSP

December 24th, 2005, 08:52
Hello everyone,

I am getting this (http://www.thecamerabox.com/product.asp?id=Sovpsp1000kcw&l=bizrate) white psp (japanese I guess) and I heard that the japanese psp's have the "X" and the "O" are switched around in functions like O is accept and X is back/deny. Is this true and does this follow into games with these different controls.

PS: If this is true is there any hack/program out there to switch the functions back to north american ways?

PSS: I also was wondering since its going to be locked in region 2 for UMD movies is there a way I can unlock it?

Thank You

December 24th, 2005, 16:47
I have a jap psp and yes the o and x are switched but not in games unless you have a jap game. You can switch them like I did using pspset or pspsetx if you have 2.0

December 24th, 2005, 18:05
Alright thank you, it says specifically "2.0" PSP on the website so it better be or I'm probably going to send it back because its pretty much useless to me.