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View Full Version : Paradroid 25/09/08

September 26th, 2008, 20:15
Okachobi (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/User:Okachobi/Paradroid) has updated the port of Paradroid to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:

A version of SDL Paradroid compiled for the Wii to fill the void in the U.S., where the virtual console lacks C64 games. This version is created from the GPL'ed source code from SDL Paradroid and uses the same data files. The source will be released in accordance with its original GPL license as soon as I get to a stable version. I had considered abandoning the project because of the virtual console version, but then realized its not available in the U.S., and noticed that there are at least 2 PC remakes of Paradroid and several for mobile platforms. So if you like Paradroid and live where it is available, support the virtual console by purchasing it. Otherwise, wait a little while and give this port a try.

This version is in no way derived from the version available on the Wii Virtual Console in Europe. All code and graphics are from the freely-available SDL Paradroid released in 2002 under the GPL license. It has simply been patched in various ways to be compatible with the Wii Homebrew SDL library.

Status (in detail)
9/25 - Updated preview (alpha) release
Explosion graphics now work (libFAT issue with long filenames)
Memory usage significantly reduced
Performance improved considerably
Frame rendering code changes
Level properly dims after cleared (also libFAT-related)
More logging added (logfile may grow faster as a result)
Distribution zip size reduced
Known Issues
Sound disabled purposely - will start working on it soon
Top down map on consoles not functioning yet
Red/Yellow/Green Alerts not properly resetting- points continuously increase after Red Alert
Collisions seem wonky - droids get stuck - need to check if I introduced this bug
Impossible to input scoreboard entries
Scoreboard file apparently has byte order issue

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Pedro Lambrini
September 28th, 2008, 10:22
Looking good so far. I hope this project stays alive... :)