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View Full Version : Saving the Street Fighter Franchise

September 27th, 2008, 15:51
Gamasutra did an in-depth interview with Yoshi Ono, producer of Street Fighter IV, about trying to bring the series back to the quality and popularity of the '90s. Ono also talks about broadening the market to include casual players, who were slowly driven away from the game by the increased focus on competitive play. Quoting:
"If you think about chess for instance, a kid and a grandfather can play the same game, with the same ruleset, and understand what's going on. I think through our competitive spirit back then; we were always out to out-complicate each other, and make our systems deeper and deeper. It was ok then because there was a wide player base who understood how to play these games, but that's not true anymore. What we're trying to do with Street Fighter IV is bring them back in. There's not a whole lot of other fighting games out there to compare it to, but hopefully, if we play our cards right and get people back in to the genre, we can blossom the genre itself again and spread things out and get it back to the way it was."


September 27th, 2008, 19:11
Since I'm not a kid anymore, I'm all for new games not being overly complicated, since who has time to play. But I can imagine how a really huge fan of the deeper fighting system would be annoyed by it, since I would be pretty annoyed if they simplified Metroid Prime for the not so big Metroid fans who are not used to the whole Metroid physics.