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View Full Version : Overflow.tif: corrupted file?

December 26th, 2005, 20:42
Okay, I successfully updated my 1.52 firmware to 2.60. The 1.5 dowgrade is recognized on the game menu. When I go to photos, it shows a corrupted file icon. Is there some way I can fix it so I can launch my 1.5 downgrader?

December 26th, 2005, 21:47
Okay, I successfully updated my 1.52 firmware to 2.60. The 1.5 dowgrade is recognized on the game menu. When I go to photos, it shows a corrupted file icon. Is there some way I can fix it so I can launch my 1.5 downgrader?

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo! Please say you are joking. There's no coming back from a 2.60 upgrade. What possessed you do do such a crazy thing. :eek: Your only hope is to now sell this boat anchor to some unsuspecting soul and get another PSP. Good luck.

December 26th, 2005, 22:08
Are you serious? The link that YOU gave me gave me a 2.60 update.

December 26th, 2005, 22:27
First off I feel badly for you that you did this. If you go back and look at my first response to you. I stated you needed to upgrade to firmware 2.0. Not 2.60.

Secondly, I gave you a link to show you the procedure for performing a upgrade. It was you who decided to download firmware 2.60 and perform the upgrade.

Like I said. I feel badly for you but please don't try to lay this at my feet. You had complete control over your actions and the reason your in your current situation is a lack of attention to detail on your part. Hopefully you are mature enough and wise enough to see this after you have had some time to reflect on it.

December 26th, 2005, 22:47
Well I'm content with having a PSP at all. Mabey theyll eventually come out with stuff for it. Its no problem dude. I do actually own games for the system.