View Full Version : Calibration and Re-seting problems

September 28th, 2008, 13:11
Hi there.

I'm lucky enough to own two different Dreamcasts, one which is very old and was bought on launch night, the other which is almost brand new and is rarely used. The only problem is that they both have different problems :(

The new DC is rarely used simply because it doesn't read discs very well at all. I've tried the disc calibration trick, and it is slightly better but not by much. The main problem is that it's extremely tempremental, sometimes it will work on GDs and not backups, and vice versa. It sometimes won't play games which have no scratches at all on the discs, and sometimes it will play games that the other machine won't read because they're too badly damaged. Strange...
When I tried to re-calibrate the lens I had a few problems. The screw which you are supposed to turn
appears to be soldered on with an orange solder. This makes it nar on impossible to turn clockwise, as it doesn't appear to move at all. In attacking it in this way I have managed to almost break the screw, so I don't want to try it again. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Also, I don't see how turning it will do anything because it doesn't appear to be screwed to anything. Can anyone explain this to me?!

The other Dreamcast reads discs fine, but always re-sets itself. Every few weeks I have to push the power connections forward again. It gets extremely frustrating. I was wondering if there is a permanent fix for this problem? I heard somewhere that bending the connections helps, but somewhere else that it breaks your 'cast. Has anyone got any experience of this?

I also remember a few years back there was a good website and forum with help on all these problems, but I can't find it. Does anyone know if it still exsists?

Thanks in advance for all your help!

October 11th, 2008, 18:22
Any help appreciated !!!

November 7th, 2008, 22:51
Any help appreciated!