View Full Version : Neo4All/AES Tutorial & FAQ

December 26th, 2005, 22:15
Here's a Tutorial / FAQ I compiled for Neo4All/AES that should answer all questions you might have about how to get this emu working:


January 5th, 2006, 19:46
Here's a Tutorial / FAQ I compiled for Neo4All/AES that should answer all questions you might have about how to get this emu working:


Nice work but i have a question: do you know if it works in SBI?

February 25th, 2006, 00:40
I've read several tutorials and guides and I still can't get the NEO4ALL emulator running on my dreamcast. The directions are too complicated and require WAY too much guessing.

I need step by step instructions on how to burn the NEO4ALL Neo Geo CD emulator from someone that has actually successfully done it and is not just talking out of their a$$.

I need to know exactly which programs to use (not kinda sorta what might) and exactly which steps to take. That means not skipping steps. Not assuming I already have a piece of software or know how to use one. All I know for certain how to use is Disc Juggler which I have used to successfully burn back up DC games.

Another thing is that I keep getting contradictory inforamtion on the bios files I need on the root directory. Do I both the Neo Geo CD bios and the NEO GEO AES bios? One source tells me one thing and another tells me the opposite.


February 25th, 2006, 04:08
I need step by step instructions on how to burn the NEO4ALL Neo Geo CD emulator from someone that has actually successfully done it and is not just talking out of their a$$.


Perhaps you should read my tutorial again without skipping steps and reading other tutorials inbetween ?

March 6th, 2006, 19:38
I got this emulator to work for the neo geo cd games, but one thing i don't understand is how to oncvert the zip files into aes...i used that program, but it says "make sure that convertneo.exe is in the directory" what is it talking about?and i dont understand where its telling me to put it.I have my neo4all unzipped in my documents folder, then in there i have 1st read.bin redme.txt andi made a folder called CONVERTNEO in there i have some roms ncGui.exe and a folder i named BIOS with all my bios in it...what am i doing wrong?

March 7th, 2006, 05:51
There are two emus:

Info: http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/index.php/Main/Neo4All
Website: http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/neo4all.html
Download: http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/releases/neo4all-beta4.rar

Info: http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/index.php/Main/Neo4All-AES
Website: -
Download: http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/releases/neo4all_aes-alpha.rar

March 23rd, 2006, 09:17
I have a little proble with the CVSplus I dont care About the other games I download the emulator because of this game I really want it to play it in my dreamcast
I did everything right I am not a noobie on this And the game Doesn`t run at 100%
Perfect It I get a black screeen like in 5 minutes playing it so If chuy or what ever his name is can tell what a did wrong

March 23rd, 2006, 22:32
That is an issue with some of the games. I've noticed that too.


Sometimes display is lost, even when returning to menu.

Random lock-ups and freezes.

Sometimes L-button doesn't trigger menu.

the_great duke
June 25th, 2006, 19:15
i just cant get the damm neo4all/aes working on my dreamcast, i do everything by the book, i create a cdi image with bootdreams(with all the speciic files mind you, heres how its: NEO4AES/1st.read.bin,NEO4AES/IP.bin,svcplus.aes, and the neo4all folder with all the essential files). i get errors when i try to burn it with bootdreams(both the "burncdi" and both the "cdrecord" method.it either locks up or displays an error message...i dowloaded the winaspi and everything...) so i burned it with acohol TAO and i also tried with RAW DAO and discjuggler, but it was no use... all i get when i put the cd in my dreamcast is the dreamcast logo and thats it...i wasted tons of cdrs and i still couldnt doit...whats wrong?can somebody helpme? if someone can upload me a full working image the svc aes rom it would great too, but im geting impacient here, i just want to play the damm thing!!!!somebody help a felow dcgamer!!

thanks anyway, and excuse my bad english, im brazilian.

June 25th, 2006, 20:03
What error messages exactly ?

Do you have enuff free space on your HDD?

What media type are you using? CDR, CDRW or DVDR, etc. ? - You can only use CDR!

Did you ever get other things to work with your Dreamcast? - from e.g. www.DCEvolution.net or www.dchomebrew.org ?

What settings are you using in BootDreams? What version of BootDreams are you using?

These files in your /Neo4All/ folder are needed:

Also, I highly recommend to try other games with Neo4All/AES. SNKvsCapcom will -not- run perfectly yet.

Here's a list of games I can recommend:

June 30th, 2006, 14:01
Prepared a starter kit with a ready-to-burn image, precompiled DreamInducer disc and some nice homebrew games:


Hope it helps.

July 4th, 2006, 23:12
I did follow your guide without "skipping steps or looking at other guides in between". I also had several friends look at it, who agreed with me whole-heartedly and thought it was a complete waste of time. They were right.

Unless someone has foreknowledge of many of the applications you mention (and don't explain) the guide is completely useless. (IF IT EVEN WORKS).


Your antagonistic response was very predictable.

In hindsight it really isn't worth the effort to play 20 year old games on system that hasn't really been supported in half a decade. Especially considering they are emulatable on any 233 MHz PC with Neo Rage.

July 5th, 2006, 00:27
Thanks for your comments & support.

July 27th, 2006, 21:12
is there any way to get Rage Of The Dragons on Neo4ALL/AES? i never been able to convert it

Demon Hyo
November 4th, 2006, 23:11
Here's a Tutorial / FAQ I compiled for Neo4All/AES that should answer all questions you might have about how to get this emu working:


Well, it didn't answer ALL of my questions. Like why my games crash or don't even load when i try to run them. :( the only games i can run are small sized ones like Aero Fighters 2. I followed every step on the Tutorial/FAQ!

December 11th, 2006, 06:39
The guide worked for me.

Hurray for old threads.

May 26th, 2008, 03:10
I'm having a problem getting The King of Fighters '95 Neo CD to boot as a standalone disc. I've done both Metal Slugs and they've worked fine. If I open the disc with one of the programs like DCHakker I think it's called, I can scan the 1st_read.bin and run it, but, otherwise it doesn't work. Has anyone else had problems with KOF95?

May 27th, 2008, 23:25
1st_read.bin is in scramble format?

May 28th, 2008, 00:31
1st_read.bin is in scramble format?
I've used the same one for Metal Slug 2 and the first Metal Slug and they both boot without a hitch, I forgot whether it's supposed to be scrambled or unscrambled as I haven't really messed with anything like this for like 3 years until recently, but, if I'm using the same 1st_read.bin and it boots other games, then, I don't know why it would be a problem with the 1st_read.bin. Could this be an issue of the Dreamcast simply giving up on finding the 1st_read.bin? KOF95 has a ton of files that are like for examle: 0018.extension that are all placed before the 1st_read.bin. Opening up the disc in DC Hakker, you have to scroll for a long time until you can actually get to the 1st_read.bin.

Actually, weird idea:
Using BINHACK.EXE could I redirect the IP.BIN to point to something like 000000000.bin for the DC to boot from so it would be the first file it would read? This would then bring up another problem though as BootDreams wants your IP.BIN to point to the 1st_read.bin...

May 28th, 2008, 01:22
1st_read.bin must be scrambled

you can rename 1st_read.bin to 00000000.bin and create a new IP.bin file (use IP.BIN creator (http://sbibuilder.dc-france.com/download/?idsys=2&idcat=10&idfile=60)) with new first-read filename

May 28th, 2008, 02:10
1st_read.bin must be scrambled

you can rename 1st_read.bin to 00000000.bin and create a new IP.bin file (use IP.BIN creator (http://sbibuilder.dc-france.com/download/?idsys=2&idcat=10&idfile=60)) with new first-read filename

I think that once I'm back from work, I'll try this and post my results. The only issue I can see would be that BootDreams would want the 1st_read.bin to actually be called that...

EDIT: Wow don't know why I would've thought that. I didn't think it would let me manually choose a binary. Shows how often I have a problem/rename a binary :p

EDIT AGAIN: Wow, that actually worked! Very interesting. Who would know that if the 1st_read.bin was too far into the file system that the Dreamcast would just stop looking for it? I guess that's a fix on record for selfbooting KOF 95.