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View Full Version : Firmware shopping?

December 26th, 2005, 21:19
First off, apologies if this has been gone over, I've read a lot, but likely missed some things completely.

I've been waiting for emulation on the PSP to pick up, and now find myself in a position to afford one. What I've gathered is, through various means, a firmaware 1.50 is the best thing to end up with. Which would mean I need:
-Firmware V 2.0 or lower.

My question is, how do I go about finding one at the current time? Is even2.0 rare these days? I've heard a 'giga pack' that gives you a 1GB card and a bunch of crap for the price of the 1GB card is available recently; I imagine that wouldn;t be around in 2.0 or lower would it? Are there was to assertain the version from the package? Weather it lists the version, or can be figured uot from the model #?
Or are auction sites and preowneds my only option at this point? Thanks for the help...

December 27th, 2005, 03:28
check this thread


Fly On
December 27th, 2005, 05:23
Most big chain stores like GameStop and EBGames have 2.5 PSPs. However, I hear you can be really lucky with Wal-Mart. My friend got a 1.5 for Christmas, and his dad got it from Wal-Mart(Tampa Bay, FL).
Your best bet would be to try online stores or EBay.

December 27th, 2005, 07:13
I got an awsome 2.0 ceramic white psp from here http://www.thecamerabox.com/product.asp?id=Sovpsp1000kcw&l

But for about the normal price 245$

December 28th, 2005, 01:14
no, I appreciate it, I just didn't see the other thread because it only had a generic title.

I actually found the chart for the serial numbers and found a few C's at, believe it or not, Best Buy. So I have now a 1.52 and am currently looking up how to go about changing the firmware..

BTW, isn;t the menu supposed to be blue? because everything is red... ah, minor complaint..

December 28th, 2005, 09:18
the background colour changes every month so december is red and in january it will be grey . if you update to 2.0 you can set the colour your want but if your on 1.50 firmware you can use a program called PSPersonalize to set you own background.

January 2nd, 2006, 09:39
ah, yes, I figured that out about three seconds after posting (isn't that always the way? : P )
Anyway thanks to all who helped me, I actually settled for 2.00, being that emulators were my primary focus in getting a PSP in the first place. Thanks to the eboot loader from Mr.Fanjita (whom I have never met, but suddenly have much respect for), I can load pretty much everything I wanted to without downgrading. More of a pain, but I get to keep my custom walls (aesthetics are important to me, okay? XD ) and extra features and I hear the downgrade trip is a scary one...
BTW, does the white PS hide fingerprints better? because the seem to have made the regular PSP to showcase them..

so, I've got my Star Ocean on the go and am quite happy, so mandatory thanks again to the community..
my only real concern is possiblt protecting myself from 'forced' upgrades? Don't know what forms they take...

..now, if only I could get subtitles on my DVD rips >_<