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View Full Version : homebrew not working

December 27th, 2005, 00:22
hi ive just had my psp a few days white one, i put homebrew on and some games and it came with firmware 2.01 does that mean it doent work or do i have to get the right one or is it being made? :confused:

December 27th, 2005, 01:37
if your psp has the 2.01 firmware then you will be unable to use homebrew.

December 27th, 2005, 01:46
Wingz is right and this is also the wrong forum to ask such a question.

December 27th, 2005, 10:38
oh right thanks anyway and sorry didnt no which one to put it in

December 27th, 2005, 10:57
not only what they said but homebrew is being developed

December 27th, 2005, 12:04
the only homebrew that can run on 2.01 is Tetris so hopefully other stuff will follow.