View Full Version : dslinux.com Nintendo DS linux port

November 2nd, 2004, 11:32

We are promoting a port of Linux into the Nintendo DS. We believe it could be one of the coolest Linux ports ever. The Nintedo DS is indeed a very capable hardware, ARM 67mhz, 4Ram, wifi, mic, 10 hours battery life, 2 screen, touch screen, etc, etc, etc ... at $149 dollars.!!! We are very exited with all the cool software we could write or port for this litlle baby (once linux gets going). In my opinion it could be a complete PDA killer! mp3 and movie player, wifi web surfing tool, email reader, Instant messenger , .and so many cool things! find some time and give us a visit at Linux on the Nintendo DS - dslinux.com , sorry mods for the links, I hope you can leave them as the coolness factor of this port is top geeky ;D


Nintendo DS Linux port

November 2nd, 2004, 11:41
are you actually coding the port?

November 2nd, 2004, 22:49
Right now it seems really really shady. The site offers little information.