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View Full Version : Play Import Games

December 29th, 2005, 02:33
I know this is a little off topic but does anyone know how to play import games on the PS2? I saw that Kingdom Hearts II came out in Japan and I've been dying to play it, but I don't have a Japanese PS2. Is there some type of disc swap trick or boot disc that I can use to play import games?

I have the last PS2 they made before they slimmed down the PS2.

Help Appreciated.

December 29th, 2005, 04:22
I thought that all PSP games were region free and only the movies were restricted by region. :confused:

December 29th, 2005, 06:09
He stumbled into the wrong forum, he's talking about ps2.

December 29th, 2005, 06:30
I didn't 'stumble' into anything. The PSP board is by far the most extensive and busy board, the PS2 forum has no members so I thought posting it here might get the answer I'm looking for faster. I mean consider it, if you own a PSP, then there is a good chance you own a PS2. Plus, this is an emulation board, the purpose is to try to run other software on a system it's not supposed to be on. Hence my question, does anyone know how I can get an import disc to run on my Ps2 - WITHOUT - having to buy a Japanese PS2?

December 29th, 2005, 07:27
first off u need is mod chip then u need sumone to install it for u then ur set... wat country r u in

December 29th, 2005, 08:01
o2byzst: Sorry I mis-read your post. I believe rihia is correct. You'll need a mod chip for that. :o

December 29th, 2005, 08:33
I didn't 'stumble' into anything. The PSP board is by far the most extensive and busy board, the PS2 forum has no members so I thought posting it here might get the answer I'm looking for faster. I mean consider it, if you own a PSP, then there is a good chance you own a PS2. Plus, this is an emulation board, the purpose is to try to run other software on a system it's not supposed to be on. Hence my question, does anyone know how I can get an import disc to run on my Ps2 - WITHOUT - having to buy a Japanese PS2?

Wrong forum either way, there is no excuse for posting here as its just plainly against the rules. As for the question there is a lot of different ways to get PS2's to play imported games. There is mod chips, swapping-discs and of some wierd special memory card trick.

December 29th, 2005, 23:53
Thanks for the answers guys. Rihia, I live in the US - California to be specific but that doesn't really do me much good, cause I didn't/don't want to get a mod chip. I guess I'll just wait till the American release - besides I've got a 360 to keep me busy so...

Oh, and Kaiser, I didn't know that posting a question was against the rules for this forum. I read the rules when I first signed up but that was like a week after the PSP was released...so it's been a while. I think it's kinda lame that asking a simple question like this is against the rules, but I apologize for the mistake.

December 30th, 2005, 10:55
Oh, and Kaiser, I didn't know that posting a question was against the rules for this forum. I read the rules when I first signed up but that was like a week after the PSP was released...so it's been a while. I think it's kinda lame that asking a simple question like this is against the rules, but I apologize for the mistake.

No worries, asking a completely unrelated question in a PSP forum is fine. Originally I typed up a big rant/flame here but I'm just going to give in. The point is don't be a dick when all I was doing was posting a simple fact that you knew and even stated that you knew in a previous statement. :D