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View Full Version : Game Devs Pick Nintendo as #1

October 1st, 2008, 20:15
Today Game Developer magazine announced Nintendo has been selected as the top videogame publisher for the second year in a row. The top 20 list is determined by a survey of over 300 game industry professionals and takes into account factors like revenue, average review scores, and number of releases. Electronic Arts (EA) long held the number one spot until Nintendo unseated the company last year, although EA is still at number 2.

"Nintendo's second chart-topping appearance in a row underscores the extraordinary popularity of the firm's first-party Wii and DS franchises – we congratulate them on their achievement," said Simon Carless, director, Game Developer Research.

Rounding out the top 5 are Activision in the third spot for the third year running, Ubisoft holding onto fourth, and Sony Computer Entertainment in fifth. Sony was able to leap into the top 5 by releasing more games, bettering its review scores, and preserving positive relationships with those surveyed.

Codemasters (Grid, Overlord) reappeared on the list at number 18 after a two-year leave, bumping last year's new addition, Atlus, off entirely.
