View Full Version : Another World for the Dreamcast (AW/DC)
December 31st, 2005, 05:19
Another World for the Dreamcast (AW/DC)
Version: 1.0
Release Date: December 30th 2005
Information about this legendary game can be found here [1] and [2].
D-pad Allows you to move Lester
A/X Allows you run/shoot with your gun
Left Trigger +Y Allows to enter a code to jump to a specific level
Start Pause the game
Right Trigger +Y Load State
Right Trigger +B Save State
Left Triger +X Increase Save State Number
Left Triger +A Decrease Save State Number
Left Trigger +B Exit to DC-Tool for Testing - arch_exit()
Original game by Eric Chahi and Jean-Francois Freitas
RAW Interpreter code by Gregory Montoir [3]
Dreamcast Port by Troy Davis (GPF) [4]
Please visit the port’s official site [4] for more information on this version of Another World.
also thanks to MetaFox for the sourcecode and the release help.
December 31st, 2005, 22:39
Great port for a classic game, I've just burnt an image and I'm play testing it right now, I'll have to switch off in a min though - I've got to go out and get intoxicated with alcohol (well, it's New Year's Eve after all!).
Many thanks for this release and...
January 1st, 2006, 14:00
Sorry to bother you with a noob question, How do I make a disk image to burn from the binary files? Do I just burn the files to the cd's root dir?
January 1st, 2006, 20:36
check this post for links on self-booting cd images.
March 25th, 2008, 03:48
Sorry to bump this up all of a sudden man, but I'm not too sure if you knew about the show-stopping bug in this port where the game seems to freeze after Lester goes into the tunnel leading to the underground caverns (the section with all that water-freeing business)?
I thought it was just my DC playing up a bit but, nope, it seems to happen every time. I'm not sure if you're still working on Dreamcast stuff nowadays but I just wanted to ask if you know if this can be fixed? Cheers.
December 9th, 2009, 00:52
thank for all
February 5th, 2020, 09:04
Sorry to bump this up all of a sudden man, but I'm not too sure if you knew about the show-stopping bug in this port where the game seems to freeze after Lester goes into the tunnel leading to the underground caverns (the section with all that water-freeing business)?
I thought it was just my DC playing up a bit but, nope, it seems to happen every time. I'm not sure if you're still working on Dreamcast stuff nowadays but I just wanted to ask if you know if this can be fixed? Cheers.
I can confirm, the CDI image of Another World with md5sum bde56a50133f603d8ab502875f43653e has a showstopper bug. To replicate:
Launch game
Hold Right Trigger and press Y
Enter code: LBKG
Blow up walls (by charging gun) and run to the right.
Kill the guard and take a flying jump off the rampart
Land on the safe spot
Hold A to charge the gun and blow up the side of the cliff
Walk into the hole
The moment you walk into the hole, the game freezes up. Even the DC-Tool key (Right Trigger + B) no longer works.
Where can I find the source code of this project? I'd like to fix this and other bugs, such as:
Saving and loading state is broken
Sometimes, saving using Left Trigger + Y will pause as if saving, but the write indicator on the VMU doesn't stay on very long. Such saves will fail to load with Left Trigger + B.
Saving and loading should have a lot more indication of what it is doing (for example, it doesn't even say which slot number you've chosen to save to).
If the VMU is full, the game should not write an incomplete file.
The VMU filename should be sensible instead of garbage. Likewise the icon.
There should be a button combo to restart the game afresh and another to reboot.
Analog control stick ought to work, as well as D-pad.
Title screen looks like it is still loading, but it is actually waiting for a key press. If you try to Start the game by pressing the Start button, it will instead pause the title screen (no apparent effect). Either Start should Start the game, or the title screen should have a message saying "Press A to Start, R+Y to Enter Code", or both.
The button for DC-Tool (Right Trigger + B) is way too similar to both Enter Code (Right Trigger + Y) and Load Saved State (Left Trigger + B). I don't know what DC-Tool is yet, but it turns my screen black and nothing I press can get me out of that state, so it's not nice to drop the user into it easily. I suggest requiring both triggers.
By the way, I know these sound like complaints, but I want to make the game better because I'm impressed by the work that was done to port Another World; it plays much better with a Dreamcast controller than on my PC's keyboard. Maybe if Another World worked on my Dreamcast, I would finally beat the game. (Maybe.)
February 6th, 2020, 21:31
Update: I thought I had a workaround, but it just showed another bug. Even though aw/dc crashes when entering the caverns, one can use the code "XDDJ" to get there and continue the game. However, it only lets you play a little bit further and then it has another crash when switching levels. To replicate, do this
Use code KRFK
Go right
Use a charged shot to destroy the wall, causing a flood
Go left until pushed up by floating rock
Go right until hitting a wall
Destroy the wall and go through to enter the building
Game freezes
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