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View Full Version : Really important for me. Please read.

December 31st, 2005, 04:20
Some of you may remember me. I couldn't visit the site/forum for some time due to personal issues. I'd like to know some things and would be glad if someone answered my questions.

I have a 1.5 PSP, how can I have all the features of the latest possible firmware and be able to use homebrew?
How can I have more useful features than the current firmware?
Any homebrew aplication(chronometer, flash games player, gps, anything) recommended to make the PSP better?
What are the best homebrew games?
Could someone give a detailed LUA tutorial for a noob that don't know anything on coding and just want to play the games?
Any other thing that I should know?

this topic will be the last that I'll make in a while and the posts here too. I'll try to check this topic often, but can't check all the forum and news, I stilol got those issues that don't let me be online too often.
I'd apreciate if I could have all my questions clearly answered.
Thanks in advance.

PS: OK, I confess: I took the broadband off to get a sattelite tv and this dial up sux :P

December 31st, 2005, 18:09
I can answer your first question, which is to download the gameshark media firmware 1.50. its his custom firmware which includes all the the benifites of 2.00+ without any of the security restrictions, it will later support 2.00 umds such as gta lcs too.
just out of interest when was the last time you were online?

December 31st, 2005, 19:25
about october...
by the time I didn't had interest in LUA :P

January 1st, 2006, 14:11
good to have u back

January 3rd, 2006, 15:52
I look foward into having all my answers :P
please guys, I know that hopely half of you can answer accurately.

January 13th, 2006, 17:02
I'm still waiting...
I see the helpers have not visited the forum in a while...