View Full Version : RUMOR: PS2 Emulator Downloadable For the PS3?

October 4th, 2008, 22:58
We all know that the only PS3 consoles that came with full PS2 backwards compatiblility were the launch consoles, the 20GB and 60GB, which are now unavailable due to manufacturing costs. A lot of Playstation fans are disappointed because the 40GB, 80GB, and the soon-to-be-released 120 GB consoles don’t support full PS2 backward compatability. If you are looking to upgrade from a Playstation 2 to a Playstation 3, I would strongly suggest to keep your Playstation 2 because you won’t be able to play your Playstation 2 titles with the Playstation 3 consoles out in the market today.

If VideoGameCentral is to be believed, it is stated in their product description of a 80GB Console that there is a Playstation 2 Emulator available for download, which is the only way to play PS2 games for our PS3 consoles that are not backwards compatible. Is there something Sony’s not telling us? Could Sony be releasing a PS2 Emulator? Will it be on the 2.50 Firmware that is coming out soon?

Now is the time for PS3 80GB Console. In fact there is no reason now not to get the Sony Playstation 3, especially at this new lower price with all it’s hi-def bells & whistles. The new 80-Gig PS3 System features the ability to play PS3 Games, Blu-rays & DVD movies (PS2 Games can be played when downloading Sony’s PS2 emulator software online). Also connect to the internet for free online play & downloadable games! To date, the PlayStation3 is the strongest gaming system available and also the lowest price true high definition Blu Ray Movie Player.

UPDATE:There is a huge chance we will get this emulator! Why? Look at the XBOX 360, it doesnt have a special chip inside that can play XBOX games. They emulate so the PS2 Emulation is indeed possible. When? I don’t know. Sony wouldn’t just abandon the Playstation 2 or 5 years from now. Let’s just hope for the best!

Don’t FORGET, the first 80GB Console that surfaced used a SOFTWARE EMULATOR that plays Playstation 2 games. This applies as well to the 60GB PAL Console that uses SOFTWARE EMULATOR as well. So the debate whether SOFTWARE EMULATION is possible will always be there. We’ll just until the Playstation 2 officially dies and Sony will release it.


October 5th, 2008, 02:40
Did a 9 year old write that? There isn't a single fact there...

October 5th, 2008, 04:40
The real mistake is that the original 80GB was actually a hybrid of Software Emulation and Hardware see the EE was emulated while the GS chip was left in there, so this rumor still has a few holes in it.

October 5th, 2008, 15:11
Not to mention that the xbox is a completely different architecture to the ps2, so saying you can emulate it is like saying you can emulate the saturn on a psp, because you can emulate a ps1. Plus, the xbox has much simpler architecture, seeing as it's PC based.

October 5th, 2008, 18:53
Is it just me or did that sound linguistically unsound?

October 6th, 2008, 03:55
Yes it did sound linguisticaly unsound because of the lack of facts in the original article, anyway the only really useful PS2 Software Emulator is the imfamous PCSX2 which isn't even a perfect emulator(certain games can't be run or run at like 15fps so forth) can be used in Linux/Windows, but due to linux being unable to use the full power of the PS3 hardware it won't even work at the levels that it might on a regular PC. So in short unless sony has been secretly working on some secret emulator program this rumor isn't very reliable.

October 6th, 2008, 16:24
well, the software emulation on the mgs4 ps3 isn't that great

most games work well, but some are messed up, like the first to Rachet and Clanks

October 6th, 2008, 17:17
They don't want to support backwards compatibility because then how are they gonna sell you PS2 Greatest Hits through the PSN. Its the same thing with the 360, in the beginning it was looking somewhat good and then they decided to drop support and why? well a couple of months later we got a lil thing called Originals.

I agree with the first post, this article sounds like a bunch of jibber jabber.