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View Full Version : Valhalla Knights 2: Another Letdown

October 6th, 2008, 13:52
So the much hyped Valhalla Knights 2 has come and to everyone's surprise - or not - the game seems like it sucks as bad as the first one. IGN already gave it a 5.0 and after watching pictures and reading the review I'm not appealed to play the game at all (and I am a huge RPG fan).
And that begs the question: Why Sony? Why do you let these useless games be released on your hardware?

P.S. -> Has anyone enjoyed Star Wars: The Force Unleashed? I did like it at first but then the gameplay became too repetitive and there was no depth... Another one that went right back to the store...

I'm expecting Star Ocean: First Departure though... S-E always delivers when it comes to rpgs

October 6th, 2008, 21:43
Ignorance is bliss. If you know about rpg culture lately you would know not to trust ign, gamespot etc on the genre. They've pretty much canceled any good reviews for rpgs for the last 2 years. Remember the best selling psp game has a 5.0/10 at those sites. As for the game i love it. Already put about 25 hrs into it. Its a dungeon explorer. If you ever played games like Grandia or like the battle system of star ocean you will love this game. I highly suggest you try it before you come in a forum and trash on a game especially if you are a "rpg fan". Infact you should already know the bias of the reviews on jap inspired rpgs in the last couple of years.

October 7th, 2008, 00:26
Well actually dungeon explorers are not my type unless there's a awesome story to back it up... Famitsu rated this game 28/40 which put it in a modest 139th place in the psp games... I've played almost all rpg's i've started playing during my life but the first valhalla knights sickened me for some reason... From NWN and Diablo to Mass Effect and Persona games, FF series and whatnot I've played almost everything but I can't seem to feel interested into a game like this...
Still I respect your opinion, and even if there is a bias with JRPG's why do Persona's and whatnot get good grades?
I think the psp has potential for so much better than this... And if you ask me MHF2 got bad reviews here in the west due to a lack of a story...
I want Star Ocean so bad... Till the end of time rocked and I refused to play second story cuz I want to play Second Evolution instead as they're the same games... Well the translation patch for P2: Innocent Sin is almost here so I'll have to get a copy and maybe that'll satisfy me... And yes I'm very demanding with the games I play...