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View Full Version : Ds Sp Landing In Japan?

January 4th, 2006, 17:51
As you might have noticed by now, we love our DS's here at CVG towers. In fact, even the PC Zone boys are partial to a bit of lunchtime Animal Crossing action (we've got a spare coconut on auction currently valued at one fireman's hat and an eye patch, if anyone's interested in upping the stakes). However, if we had to make one complaint about the handheld, it would be its less than beauticious aesthetic appeal.
Now though, rumours are spreading their wings around the internet and taking flight like fairies of speculation concerning a revised version of the DS hardware hitting Japanese shelves this year. Gamefront.de cites a report in the latest edition of Famitsu magazine which reveals that some new but unspecified hardware will appear in the East commencing this spring.

Famitsu clarifies that it won't be a next-gen system, but instead a revision of an existing machine, with fingers pointing to either the DS or PSP. It seems that retailers are strongly hinting at a redesigned DS though, possibly with improved functionality.
While it's obviously all a bit speculative at the moment, a facelift for Nintendo's year-old dual-screen handheld would be far from unexpected - particularly given Reggie Fils-Aime's comments last year that an upgrade is in the works.
