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View Full Version : TGS 2008: Capcom Dishes out Monster Hunter 3 Details

October 9th, 2008, 17:36
via IGN (http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/917/917982p1.html)

As TGS attendees endured brutal waits to sample Monster Hunter 3, Capcom held a stage event in its booth to share some new details on the game.

The big news is something that appears to have been pulled from the Resident Evil 5 event, which was also held that day. Monster Hunter 3 will feature a horizontal split screen mode of play, allowing two players to play together in offline mode. Past console entries have only offered multiplayer play options when played online.

The stage event was held by producer Ryouzou Tsujimoto who discussed some of the new gameplay systems that are making their debut with Monster Hunter 3.

Tsujimoto revealed that large beasts now have something only the hunters from past entries in the series had: stamina. They lose their stamina with time, becoming weaker. Just as your hunters eat to recover their stamina, so to do the large beasts. They actually eat other monsters!

Other revelations include support for the Wii's Classic controller, for those wanting a control scheme that more closely resembles the PS2 version.

Joining these Monster Hunter 3 announcements, Capcom also revealed today that Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G has topped the 2.5 million mark in sales (that's actual units sold, not shipped). A PSP Best version of the game will be released on October 30, with Tsujimoto expecting this budget version to further expand the series.

Screenshots (http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/142/14209897/imgs_1.html)