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View Full Version : WipEout HD patched for popular players, may require save deletion

October 10th, 2008, 21:38
Sony has deployed a patch for WipEout HD onto European servers, and presumably will do the same later today in North America, fixing freezing issues that have affected players with over 50 friends. Admittedly, we were rather fond of the "glitch," though it's probably time we let go of our petty grudge against the in-crowd of our adolescent years (note to self: avoid awkward confrontations at next high school reunion politely decline the Jägerbombs). Still, there's some glee to be gleaned from the update. According to the description:

"If at any time you have had over 50 users in your friends list whilst playing Wipeout it is possible that your saved data has become corrupted. If this situation applies to you, we strongly recommend once this update has installed you quit the game and delete your saved data using the saved data utility in the XMB, then relaunch the game to create a new profile. Deleting your Saved Data will not affect your collected trophies or online records, but will reset your campaign mode progress, team loyalties, and in-game settings." [Emphasis ours.]

See? Popularity doesn't always get you ahead in life.