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View Full Version : Goomba Color alpha 2 Released (Gameboy Colour Emulator)

January 7th, 2006, 10:55

DWedit (http://dwedit.animutationportal.com/dwedit_board/viewtopic.php?id=189) has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:

Fixed VRAM reading (stupid bug)
Fixed sprite palette selection
GBC games can no longer change monochrome palette
Fixed scanline 0 interrupts
(fixes Ninja Gaiden, Shantae, etc)
Added fake HDMA

Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now

Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml

January 8th, 2006, 08:54
It works...but its not working..I cant choose the game when i turn GoomBa Colour On...

What is that Club thing?

January 8th, 2006, 17:32
ahhh, i see what you mean, i'm having a fiddle with it now, ahem!!! it does work, however you have to limit the amount of roms you put in it, you should follow the instructions given in the readme file, if you need any furter help, I should be able to help

January 8th, 2006, 21:46
It works...but its not working..I cant choose the game when i turn GoomBa Colour On...

What is that Club thing?Are you using it with a supercard? if so you'll need to run the .gba file through the patching software after you've added the rom list to it, I made the error of not doing so earlier but after putting the patched version over onto the card all was well. I'd imagine a similar procedure for other flash cards possibly tohugh thats a guess

January 9th, 2006, 15:23
Are you using it with a supercard? if so you'll need to run the .gba file through the patching software after you've added the rom list to it, I made the error of not doing so earlier but after putting the patched version over onto the card all was well. I'd imagine a similar procedure for other flash cards possibly tohugh thats a guess

I just use the GBAMP Without PassMe :D I think it's impossible to run GBC games in GBAMP without PassMe. Some GBC games work on GoomBa and one very good game is Azure Dream. Its actually amazing but PSone version is lil bit better.

January 9th, 2006, 15:28
well...you are right up to a point, but, some emu's and apps run fine without a passme if they are for the GBA, however anything NDS related needs the passkey I'm afraid.
Goomba works fine on my M3 (without passkey inserted) but as far as the GBAMP I cant say as mine is bricked!!
As far as GOOMBA is concerned there are a lot of compatibility issues, so if I was you I would wait a while for a better version