View Full Version : PhotoFast CR-5400 Dual Socket Micro SD(HC) to Memory Stick MS Pro Duo Adapter

October 11th, 2008, 21:18
Worldwide delivery
Place your eyes in this beauty

I thought this adapters were only sold in japan but guess what, this online store (http://videogame.brando.com.hk/prod_detail.php?prod_id=00534) is taking orders from anywhere in the world.

I thought all of you would like to know about this, this adapter is compatible with all psps and the new sandisk 16Gb micro SDHC cards. I don't know if this could be considered spam but who wouldn't want to have 32Gb worth of Homebrew, movies, music, etc on their psp and save some serious cash in the process.

October 13th, 2008, 17:45
hmm, that looks awesome. Just did a lil research and found s/o offering them in Austria ... shipping to germany possible .. great news.


How does that work? I mean do I then have two folders (normal one PLUS additional one) in the XMB? Or does this lill thing simply add the both cards and makes them appear as one?

If it is the latter: what does it do if the space of card one is full during writing onto it from the PSP (or any other device)? Does it copy the rest onto the sec. one or does it check beforehand? I mean I see the advantages of such a piece of hardware, but I also wanna know about possible disadvantages ... has any1 tested this thing already?

Oh, and what about the new 32 GB Micros? will they be supported, too? I mean is it future proof?

Thx in advance!

October 14th, 2008, 01:19
Ads both cards to work as one, it says you insert both cards, then format it on the device you'll use and then they will act as a single card.

They're being sold on Amazon too now

don't know if it will be future proof but they say they put a lot of effort in making it compatible with current hardware, don't know if future hardware too

possible disadvantage, if you take out one of the micro sdhc cards and write something on it by itself your data will get corrupted but you can avoid that one easily.

edit: I've already ordered mine hehe, as for the two 16gb sticks I'll have to wait:p

October 14th, 2008, 14:27
Well, it definately sounds cool that u can use two of the Micros to work as one. But now I see the catch ...

... this lil device simply makes the two work and appear as one ... it's sorta smart, but also kinda frustrating for me, since I thought I may simply insert my micros which I have in my car, for example, containing music and one of them which has videos on it and simply plug them into the thing in order to use it in my psp ...

I mean it's still amazing, but it doesn't work as simple and in the way I thought. Basically, it means that u could also use one 32 GB Mirco in an ordinary Micro-to-MemstickDUO adaptor and u had the same effect :) u get my point? I mean I already got one of these here and these 32 GB ones will get much cheaper within only a few months ... even the 16 GB models still cost a damn lot of money :) therefore, I think I won't buy one. It's simply not as flexible in use than I though ... of course this - I guess - is not the company's fault, but technical limitations.

October 14th, 2008, 16:51
it'd be cool if it let them function separatly
like it had 2 memory stick icons in the XMB

October 14th, 2008, 23:11
Well, I wouldn't consider it worth it to buy $220 in 16 gb microsd's, and a $30 adapter, not to mention tax.. That's still quite a lot for 32 gb. Seeing how by the time price goes down, 32 gb memory stick pro duo might get released, I would rather just wait for the real one instead of using an adapter. On top of that, you can't be certain whether or not it is possible to format this to be compatible with pandora.

October 15th, 2008, 06:04
1 16GB micro SDHC - $99.99 X 2 = $199.98
1 CR - 5400 adapter X 1 = $30.00

32GB for $229.98 plus tax


16GB MS pro duo = $300 plus tax

in the future

32GB MS pro duo = $300 - 350 plus tax and a price cut on the 16GB one

32GB micro SDHC is on the making too

see the point?

plus you can buy it by parts and don't need to spend all $300 at once

October 18th, 2008, 10:52
I had 2 16GB micro SD cards so this was a no-brainer!


Working on PSP 2000 Slim & Lite CFW 5.00 M33.

Had a few heart stopping moments during formatting but the trick seems to be :

1. Format 1 card in slot 1 (with slot 2 empty)
2. Move formatted card to slot 2
3. Format card 2 in slot 1 - this time both cards will be formatted.

October 18th, 2008, 18:17
I wish I could afford this(the 16 gb MSD cards, not the adaptor). I would love to have 32 GB of storage at once on my Phat boy. I'm still workin of 2 4gb ProDuo's lol.

Colourful Zone
October 19th, 2008, 17:00
Hi all,

We are promoting these products to all of you with a great price, they are,

PhotoFast CR-5400 Dual Sockets Micro Secure Digital [High Capacity]™ (microSD[HC]™) / TransFlash™ (T-Flash™) to Memory Stick MS PRO Duo™ Adapter (http://www.colourful-zone.com/Store/product_info.php?products_id=270)
PhotoFast CR-3100 Dual Sockets Secure Digital [High Capacity]™ (SD[HC]™) to Memory Stick MS PRO Duo™ Adapter For Supporting PSP Slim & Lite Model & PSP-3000 Series (http://www.colourful-zone.com/Store/product_info.php?products_id=271)
PhotoFast CR-5300 Micro Secure Digital [High Capacity]™ (microSD[HC]™) / TransFlash™ (T-Flash™) to Memory Stick MS PRO Duo™ Adapter (http://www.colourful-zone.com/Store/product_info.php?products_id=272)

If you have any question about the above products, please PM, email or reply to us. Thanks. :)

October 28th, 2008, 01:18
1 16GB micro SDHC - $99.99 X 2 = $199.98
1 CR - 5400 adapter X 1 = $30.00

32GB for $229.98 plus tax


16GB MS pro duo = $300 plus tax

in the future

32GB MS pro duo = $300 - 350 plus tax and a price cut on the 16GB one

32GB micro SDHC is on the making too

see the point?

plus you can buy it by parts and don't need to spend all $300 at once

erm, except 16gb duo's are only 110$ if you shop around and don't buy sony's official brand.
Of course, the 16gb micro sd are less than 99$ too, but oh well.

November 1st, 2008, 02:50
I'm a little doubt the data read speed ,
but still ordered one from http://www.digimartz.com/photofast-cr5400-dual-socket-microsdhc-to-ms-pro-duo-adapter-p-280.html,
When received it, i will report.

January 12th, 2009, 01:11
Its funny how people see that memstickfusion thing as a problem.....seeing how this is a hacking site. <:D

January 29th, 2009, 05:29
hi everybody, this is my first time posting... been here for a while, though.
Just wanted to ask anyone out there who has one of these and has 2x16GB sdhc's if they have any lag issues.
I'm planning on buying two 16GB class 2 sdhc's, but i want to be sure they will work well and without any slowdown before i drop $100 on them.
I'm on 5.00m33-6 on a phat psp.
Thanks for any help. :)

January 29th, 2009, 22:56
I bought one with a 16 gb micro SD (70$ btw DOWN WITH SONY!) and yeah there is a little lag when taking it in and out of usb mode...and i have the same version and type of psp you do. HOWEVER...there is an plugin out there to fix that...so I wouldn't refrain from getting this because of that reason.

January 30th, 2009, 04:52
lag is due to the magicgate check

What plugin???

January 30th, 2009, 07:42
I bought one with a 16 gb micro SD (70$ btw DOWN WITH SONY!) and yeah there is a little lag when taking it in and out of usb mode...and i have the same version and type of psp you do. HOWEVER...there is an plugin out there to fix that...so I wouldn't refrain from getting this because of that reason.

I assume you're referring to the speedhack in m33-6..? :D
Do you have any issues with in-game slowdown or other media lag? That's my main concern, really.

January 30th, 2009, 07:58
I assume you're referring to the speedhack in m33-6..? :D
Do you have any issues with in-game slowdown or other media lag? That's my main concern, really.

no in-game slowdowns whatsoever on older CFW, and yes m33-6 speedhack works like a charm

the lag occurs while entering the media folders just takes like 2 or 3 seconds to get into the folders, this is due to Magicgate support check

But I just found how to eliminate it, you just need to run IRshell 4.9 and it comes with an option under configurator to disable Magicgate

You can delete IRshell afterwards if you want to, the magicgate patch is applied to flash0 and will only need to be executed once, until you re-install the CFW or upgrade a newer one.:thumbup:

January 30th, 2009, 17:59
awesome! thanks for your help. :thumbup:

February 1st, 2009, 06:34
Now only to wait for a dual memstick app....>=D

February 1st, 2009, 07:51
I just bought this at DealExtreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.16489)with 8GB MicroSD (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.13305) :D

February 3rd, 2009, 21:00
long story long, I bought this adapter and two 8gb microsds, well the tool sent me 2 sds which left me with a useless adapter so i went to my local computer superstore and they had 4gbs on sale so i bought those and everything worked fine. Still waiting for the two 8 gbs I broked down and bought 1 8gb, and that worked fine with one of the 4gbs, and got a refund on the 2 8gbs and got 1 16gb, its arrived but will not work with either my 8gb or 4gb but the 16gb will work by itself as soon as I try to format the 16 with the 8 first it says format error and if I try again it will say there is no memory stick inserted.
Ive tried formatting the 16 taking it out of slot 1, putting in the 8 in slot 1 and formatting then putting in the 16 in slot 1 and the 8 in slot 2 and reformatting (which is what I did with the 8 and 4). still no memory stick inserted message.
I tried 16gb in slot 1 and formatting then 8 in slot 2 and formatting, same thing
Ive also tried to use the 4 instead of the 8 nothing, I put the 8 and 4 back in to see if slot 2 was messed up and they worked fine.
Also when I plug my psp into my laptop it reads the 8+16 fine. But if I try to let windows format it it says Windows was unable to complete format.
Please Help, thanks

February 14th, 2009, 17:08
I have the same problem as lokis23rdeye. Dose anyone know a reason or solution to this problem?

February 15th, 2009, 12:24
Hmmm, I have ordered mine, should be here shortly...

From the instructions I read, you have to format one card in slot 1, then move that card to slot 2, and put the other unformated card in slot 1 and then format both at once for it to work.

Ill check it out when I get it tomorrow.

February 16th, 2009, 10:41
Hmmm, got it, formatted it as I mentioned in my previous post and it showed up fine. Now I am getting the problem of any game Iso/cso refusing to load. Seems to crash the PSP once it gets past the psp logo screen. Locks up so bad I cannot even press Home to get back to the XMB.

When copying data across, I noticed that with 2X 8GB MicroSD, it was slightly slower, but not enough.

The crashing has prevented me from testing any real games with it though D:

[Edit] Scratch that, looks like the mode to run games isn't Sony 9660 here, seemed to only work on m33. Plays fine. Also, the speed seems to be fast enough for pretty much everything I threw at it. Some minor slow down on loading screens, so playing any of the GTA games without a UMD will probably be impossible. So far so good!

February 16th, 2009, 20:05
this thing rocks!

$110 for this and 2 16gb microsdhc.

Oh and it looks like this adapter is using the RAID-style technologies, so having dual memory stick support will be very unlikely.

February 21st, 2009, 17:03
I had the problem of "the memory stick is not inserted". For some odd reason, running it on AC without the pandora battery inserted fixed the problem.

March 15th, 2009, 05:38
Got mine a few days ago with two SanDisk 16GB MicroSDHC cards. At first, I thought I was scammed because the adapter came empty and with what seemed like 2 SD cards I had not ordered . After closer inspection I found these were actually 2 MicroSD to SD adapters (not mentioned when I bought the item) and the 16GB MicroSDHC cards were inside! I quickly took them out, inserted both into the CR-5400 and popped it in my PSP Slim. After a quick format my PSP was now showing 29GB of free space!!! Nice.

I then proceeded to copy about 20GB of ISO games. which took about 45 minutes through a standard USB cable connected to my laptop. I guess the txfer speed could improve if I had a MSPD adapter for my PC. However, I now have almost everything I own for the PSP on a single card and plenty of room to spare for video and music. Very nice. Works like a charm.

I'm seriously considering buying another one and ditching my 80GB Ipod classic. Long live the PSP!!!

P.S.: In all my tests loading times are at least less than a third when compared to running from the UMD. GTA runs way smoother and faster and no noise from the UMD is a great plus. This thing rocks!!!!

March 15th, 2009, 11:37
I guess the txfer speed could improve if I had a MSPD adapter for my PC. I've gotten piles and piles of I/O errors when the thing is plugged into a card reader.

March 17th, 2009, 03:26
I've gotten piles and piles of I/O errors when the thing is plugged into a card reader.

Have you followed this instructions:
1. Please FORMAT Micro SD cards with CR-5400 adapter by SONY product or PSP before use the card.(DO NOT FORMAT by PC)
2. Keep Micro SD cards in CR-5400 adapter all time for data transfer. DO NOT transfer data from Micro SD cards without CR-5400 adapter to any other device(PC) . It will cause data corrupt.
3. Most of card readers DO NOT support high capacity Memory Stick (Duo) memory cards. Please use USB cable to transfer from PSP or SONY products to PC or other device.
4. For customers using PSP® system software version 2.80 or earlier:
PSP® systems with system software version 2.80 or earlier do not correctly recognize high-capacity Memory Stick PRO Duo™ with more than 4 GB of free (recordable) memory space. Please update.

Source: Gaming wholesale online shop (http://www.bigboxstore.com/video-games/psp/photofast-cr-5400-microsd-hc-to-ms-pro-duo-adapter.html)

March 17th, 2009, 12:34
Works beautifully in the PSP, and when the PSP is used as a card-reader. Works like total ass anywhere else.

April 4th, 2009, 07:27
Hi, has anyone found that it is hard to insert a card into slot 2? I'm having some issues but don't want to force it in in case it damages the connectors.

April 10th, 2009, 07:48
I'd just like to pass this along, as I had so much trouble with it. I used this adapter w/ a 16GB and 8GB Sandisk MicroSD, and couldn't get the adapter to format both together (separate worked fine). I kept getting "Memory Stick Not Inserted" errors during a format, and failed reads if I formatted in any other fashion. I used the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (Google it!) as was recommended, which made it work fine in Windows, but my PSP wouldn't recognize it. After eight hours of trying to fix it in every way conceivable (format one stick, then the other, then both, on PSP, in Windows, etc.), and comparing its file structure with a real Pro Duo with Filer, I noticed the allocation unit difference. Included with the HP USB Disk Storage utility in whatever folder you installed it is a DOS version of the utility called HPUSBF that has a couple more options. Run it on your stick with the -FS:FAT32 -A:32K options (ie: HPUSBF E: -FS:FAT32 -A:32K if E: is the MS). This will format to FAT32, which is a given, but will format the allocation unit to 32K, which is different than the 16K allocation unit I was getting before and matched a known good 8GB stick I had. POOF! It works! 22.2 GB!! Give it a shot if you have this problem. Good luck!