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View Full Version : VMU: Tiny3dEngine and ShenmueGoodies2 released!

January 9th, 2006, 13:56
After over 3 years of no releases for the SEGA Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit, here are two brandnew VMU demos:

http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu/tiny3dengine/3D.png Tiny 3d Engine (vms, vmi, dci, source, video #1, video #2) (http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu-tiny3dengine.html) for VMU is the first and only realtime wireframe 3d engine for VMU.

http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu/b-movie/SG2.png Shenmue Goodies 2 (vms, vmi, dci) (http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu-b-movie-sg2.html) is a B-movie;) showing hundreds of Shenmue 2 character images taken from the secret Shenmue Goodies 2 website.

Furthermore I added 2 more great homebrew VMU games to the VMU downloads page:

http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu/games/SI.PNG space invaders (vms, vmi, dci) (http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu-games-spaceinvaders.html) and
http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu/games/IDOUDO.PNG idoudo (vms, vmi, dci) (http://www.rockin-b.de/vmu-games-idoudo.html) from Rednuht 2000.
Both games were released long ago, but they were missing on my website.

You can download all 4 VMU games via Dreamcast browser directly (select vmi), too!

Grab out your VMU and enjoy,
Rockin'-B, www.rockin-b.de

January 23rd, 2006, 08:49
Can a MOD please move this to the DC homebrew forum?

I just posted here, because forum description says:
Submit news and online store has been merged with Off Topic


January 23rd, 2006, 14:14
yeah that description is a bit missleading, but it was just to point out that the post from submit news did not dissappear, they where moved to offtopic

btw you can newspost yourself RockinB, all coders can!

(nice release btw)

January 23rd, 2006, 14:26

January 23rd, 2006, 15:31
btw you can newspost yourself RockinB, all coders can!

Cool thing, I didn't knew that....