View Full Version : Settlers of Catan expanding empire, coming to DS

October 19th, 2008, 17:10
Fans of bloodthirsty trade practices and ceaseless expansionism will be glad to know that the classic board game-turned-XBLA hit, Settlers of Catan, is on its way to the Nintendo DS. The game will be a port of the upcoming mobile title Catan: The First Island (with appropriately upgraded graphics and audio, we hope), a trailer for which we've embedded after the break. No details have yet to surface about the title's release date, though we imagine adapting a thirteen-year-old board game for a handheld doesn't take a remarkable amount of time.


October 19th, 2008, 22:43
SWEET!!!!, ive played the board game and its tons of fun, and some friends of mine and me were just thinking how awsome it would be if you could play this online on the ds =]