View Full Version : Android Market open for business, revenue details emerge

October 22nd, 2008, 18:53
via Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/22/android-market-open-for-business-revenue-details-emerge/)

Being that the T-Mobile G1 launched officially today in the US of A, it makes sense that the phone's marketplace for applications would open its doors as well. A recent post over at the Android Developers Blog has affirmed that users can now indulge in over 50 apps, and moreover, it has laid out details surrounding the process for getting your own app in there. Beginning on Monday, prospective devs will be forced to "register and pay a one time $25 application fee" in order to ensure that they're "authenticated and responsible for their apps." After that, the programs will be "made available to users without further validation or approval."

Starting in Q1, developers will be able to distribute paid apps in addition to free apps, and similar to Apple's revenue model, devs will get 70% of the revenue, though it should be noted that Google won't be taking a percentage of the remainder. Go at it, you eager developer you -- we fully expect a gratis app showing off your handiwork to emerge on the 27th.